Silicon Graphics

SGI Linux Servers Coming 49

Found in the files of LinuxToday: Computer Reseller News has an article about SGI being in talks with Linux vendors, hoping to reach an agreement with one, presumably so they can ship it on their upcoming server line. The new servers will be for the telco and ISP markets. As was previously suspected, the company says it will "contribute components" of its technology to the open source community, including OpenGL. Maybe XFS will be in there, too. I've heard it's quite nice...

RealNetworks buys Xing 46

Keith Russell writes "Caught this on ZDNet. RealNetworks is buying the Xing Corp. for ~$75M in stock. Looks like Real and IBM are gearing up for a fight with Microsoft over digital audio. " True-combine this with the IBM partnership and Microsoft's announcements about digital vidoe-things are about to get messy.
Silicon Graphics

Silicon Graphics rebrands itself as 'SGI' 166

Sent us a quote from SGI SGI's web page. It says "SGI now stands for Servers, Supercomputers, and Graphic Workstations that enable breakthrough Insights." You can read the press release. Now I gotta change the logo. The old one is just so much cooler.
Silicon Graphics

SGI Name Change 74

TurboDog sennt us a link to an article that suggests that SGI will change its name on wed. I'm waiting for word from my SGI contacts, but so far this is just a rumor. Update: 04/12 05:44 by CT : chrisd noted that their signs are covered up on shoreline... Update: 04/12 08:29 by CT : a few folks have wrote in to say that Silicon Graphic's new name will be.... SGI. Bummer.

Linux Day Jobs 24

jgalun sent us a ZDNet article about Linux Hackers going from the underground to Linux Day Jobs. They talk about VA Research, SGI, LinuxCare and assorted other companies that many of us lust for employment at. They don't mention BSI though *grin*.
United States

Al Gore Buzzword Bingo 230

Rodger Crawford writes "Apparently Al Gore has a history of latching on to high-tech buzzword. So much so, that 3 years ago, MIT student played a friendly game of 'Buzzword Bingo' during Gore's graduation speech. " I figured we might as well go with the trend and just continue ripping on the yutz. I've never been so excited to vote against someone before *grin*.

Review:Garbage Collection 105

A.M. Kuchling is back again, this time with a review of Richard Jones and Rafael Lins' oddly named Garbage Collection. This book is not actually about Waste Management Inc, but is "A highly detailed survey of garbage collection algorithms, and the research literature surrounding them. Interesting, if at times very dry.". Click below for more information.

Tuesday Quickies 147

r3drun sent us pictures of the first production empeg (the Linux based car MP3 player). Tom Porter hooked us up with interesting essay by Neal Stephenson that is pretty interesting. Worth a read. emad sent us a link to a Vote for your favorite RFC page. Cracked me up: You vote by number. wall sent us what appears to be the new SGI Logo. Next, I've been waiting for an excuse to link Space Ghost for awhile, and Visoblast sent one that I think us amusing as hell: Naked Pictures of Keith Richards do not affect wildlife. I'm probably only posting it because I listened to Some Girls and Beggers Banquet today. In other music news, RedOregon sent us amusing parody lyrics, Welcome to Berkeley California (you can guess the tune) And finally, GiMP wrote in to say that someone created the Slashdot dance. Hemos has never looked lovelier.

Blender v1.5 Manual 75

This book is the a great introduction for 3D newbies and a great resource for any 3D artist who would like to become intimately familiar with Blender. The book is is a work of art by itself and I highly recommend it. Read below for the full review.
Silicon Graphics

SGI Embraces Open Source 63

SGI has announced they are "embracing the open source development model". They haven't said anything specific, but seem to imply they will integrate features from IRIX and their other software into open source products. Finally, they imply they are helping get Linux going on the Origin 2000. That would be really cool - Linux would gain ccNUMA and the likes. Makes me wonder what their rumored second announcement will be about...

Linux.com is Up 97

kernel was the first to tell us that Linux.com has some content. You can also read a Press Release. The most notable piece of information is that the site will be managed by Trae McCombs (Slashdot author, Themes.org guy, and VA Employee). He will be slave to a board of directors that will hopefully help make sure that Linux.com does in fact fulfill what it should: support the community). The board of directors includes me, scoop, mandrake, Chris DiBona, Nick Petreley, and representatives from Oracle and SGI.
Silicon Graphics

LinuxWorld Pre-Press: VA & SGI? 13

Matt wrote to us, talking about this story. This is some interesting, summary coverage of major announcements expected to be made at LinuxWorldExpo-we've seen a fair amount of these before, but this article also hints at a VA Research and SGI relationship in the making-as well as talking about how Sun has decided to change its' new conference to one-on-one talks. It also mentions that Microsoft won't be attending-I guess Rob and I won't be going then *g*.

Platinum Tech. Planning OSS Web 3D Tools? 31

There is a story over at News.com that says that Platinum Technologies has signed a letter of intent with the Web3d Consortium to turn over the source code for some of the Cosmo tools for some type of open source developement project. This could be a big development for 3D on the web. What do you think of the Cosmo line or tools and programs? I tried them on an SGI (if it's the same code) a while ago and they were pretty sweet.
Silicon Graphics

R12K Debuts 40

Mike Holve, the guy with the cool website a lot of us have read, wrote in with a link to an SGI Press Release about the company using the new R12000 (R12K) processor running at 300 MHz in its Octane workstations. The chip is binary- and pin- compatible with the R10K, and from the press release, appears to be relativley inexpensive. Hey, I can dream, can't I? If anyone sees a press release about the actual chip, submit it and I will be sure to update the article. Update: 02/22 07:34 by J :Still no sign of a press release, but thanks to mmoore, we have a nice license plate mask.

Ask Slashdot: Quality Graphics in Linux? 84

Another of Clan Anonymous Coward asked: "We will be getting a few new boxes soon, and I want to know: can you get workstation quality graphics out of Linux? NT-GL seems to be acceptable, SGI-IRIX has great graphics, and the best I hear about Linux is that it runs X in 2D!" I remember hearing a sentence with the words "Titanic" and "Linux" in it. But seriously, how much would one have to spend to get quality workstation graphics out of a Linux box? And this doesn't have to mean Titanic quality either. If you're interested, hit the link.
Silicon Graphics

SGI Open Sources GLX 79

An AC was the first to inform us that Silicon Graphics has released GLX as Open Source for Xfree86 in order to stimulate the number of hardware-accelerated 3D drivers supported by Xfree86. Interestingly Red Hat and SGI are funding new driver work to be done by Precision Insight on a multiple pipe 3D architecture extension for X. Precision Insight were the people who brought the NeoMagic drivers to Xfree86 under contract to Red Hat. Of course it comes with its own license: anyone care to comment on it? Grab the code here.
Silicon Graphics

SGI x86 Linux Servers 36

I think I need an SGI icon- the news from out there just keeps streaming in- Mage sent us a link to an interesting bit from Federal Computer Week talking about x86 Servers designed to run NT or Linux. The article has a pretty glaring mistake though, saying that Red Hat and Caldera are "Public Domain" Operating Systems. Update: 02/08 05:11 by CT : Hooray! We have an SGI icon now. Anyone have one for mp3s now?

Hands-on Review of the SGI Visual Workstations 64

An anonymous reader sent us a good review of those SGI Visual Workstations that we all want to reformat and stick Linux on. The review is that its a solid, and even superior NT machine. Wonder what sort of Linux box it'll make. I volunteer to test it! (Along with I bet just about anyone else who reads this page)

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