
New Cross Platform Alternative To DirectX 155

BlackVomit writes: " There's a bunch of companies such as 3dfx, 3Dlabs, ATI, Compaq, Discreet, Evans & Sutherland, IBM, Intel, S3, and SGI that have formed a special interest group called Khronos to design a cross platform API for graphics, video, and audio. This is very cool, as it could be a huge leap for gaming on Linux as well as all platforms that choose to implement the API. Imagine games that work seamlessly on Winders as well as Linux/Unix, BeOs, Mac, etc. I am somewhat surprised that nVidia isn't in on this. " Let's just hope they work with the other open-standards projects for these things. The promise of a "an industry wide, non-proprietary approach" just screams out for it ...
Silicon Graphics

UPDATED: SGI B1 Linux Patches 103

jd writes, "It's been rumoured for some time, but no code was shown and no announcements were made. Well, they actually did it. The first drop of the necessary code to bring Linux to B1 standards is on their Web site. The code is essentially a rip of their IRIX code, and isn't fully Linuxified, yet, but it's all there and ready." Update: 04/12 05:52 by E : We got mail from Richard, who maintains these pages... He says: "It is true that SGI are working on making Linux C2/B1 as anyone who has been to a SGI Linux University event will attest, and we are working with a number of others to that end. But to say that we have released a patch for Linux is very misleading and is setting expectations way above what is currently available." So, take this with a grain of salt.

What Do You Use For Digital Video Editing? 208

Viking Coder and Rares Marian sent in submissions asking about recommendations on systems for high quality video editing. They have concerns about the hardware and the software necessary for such tasks. I figure all of you folks out there who have some experience in this area should be able to help them out. (Read More)
Silicon Graphics

Tera Completes Acquistion of Cray 41

dewey writes "Tera, a new kid on the supercomputing block, has successfully completed its acquisition of the supercomputing pioneer, Cray (formerly owned by SGI). The new company will take Cray's name. Tera has a press release from a month ago that spells out some of the details of the deal. "

Jeremy Allison Answers Samba Questions 98

Monday you asked Samba-meister Jeremy Allison a bunch of questions. He has answered the 10 highest-moderated ones in the finest lounge-lizard style imaginable (below).

NVidia and Linux Troubles 368

Recently several stories have floated into the bin regarding troubles with NVidia and Linux. See, they've started down the right path: releasing drivers, and starting to support the OS, but unfortunately they have decided to release binary only drivers. This gets extremely complicated when standards like DRI and Multi-Head start getting involved... binary code releases make it difficult for people like XF86 developers to make everything work together. For a more qualified viewpoint, I've attached a great summary of the situation from Precision Insight's Frank LaMonica.

Learn from Samba-Man Jeremy Allison 118

Jeremy is a leading Samba maintainer, and therefore one of the world's leading experts on Samba, which is often held up (along with Apache and the Gimp) as a sterling example of efficient and useful Open Source development. In the interest of full disclosure, we must mention that Jeremy is now employed by VA Linux, but that his primary responsibility is still Samba, just as it was when he worked for SGI. Look for Jeremy's answers to your questions within the next week.

Wide Panel LCD Displays 129

fredz writes "EE Times has an interesting article on wide-aspect-ratio LCD displays. Samsung is adding a 24-inch diagonal display (20" W x 12.7" H). This is about the same height as a conventional 20" monitor, but a lot wider. There are also some smaller (and presumably cheaper) 17-inch diagonal (about 14"W x 10"H) displays. " The SGI diagonal (18") is what I've been using for nearly a year now. LCDs are much easier on my eyes, but ya gotta accept the resolution you're given or things get yucky. The aspect ratio is interesting... I like having two comfortably wide browser windows side by side without overlapping. Now when Linux can play letterboxed DVDs ...

Alias|Wavefront Ships Linux Software 90

NumberCruncher wrote to us from the rendering front, where Alias|Wavefront has announced that it has shipped Maya Batch Renderer for Linux. The software does optimized tile-based rendering and selective ray-tracing.

Review: "Mission To Mars" 460

Brian De Palma can direct fun movies, even good movies, but never go into one of his movies expecting too much. Written by the brothers who gave us Predator and Wild Wild West, his awful latest Mission to Mars opened this weekend. YRO authors Michael and Jamie were so appalled by this piece of work that they insisted on panning it together, and Jon Katz added his own, slightly hopeful voice to the flaying. Read more for serious spoilers ...

From The Australian LinuxExpo 108

So I'm at Linux Expo Australia, enjoying the conference. You can hit the link below to read assorted random relevant (and irrelevant) notes from the show floor. No, I haven't seen a kangaroo.

Godzilla vs. Mecha-Quickies 180

Moo-ha-ha. CmdrTaco is on vacation (and sending his e-mail to /dev/null, so please don't even try), so I'm doing Quickies this week. On to the good stuff. DigitalDaedalus wrote in to tell us about the SGI 404 pages. Cute. For those with that not-so-fresh feeling, dodobh wrote in to tell us about the Slashdot Purity Test. No, I won't tell you my score. In the 'ear candy' bin, casret told us that they posted the results of the XMMS plugin contest. Time for some stuff from the 'exploding stuff' bin. Aardappel wrote in about Fisheye Quake, and Kintanon caught my eye with Fun With Grapes. Charles Helfenstein told us about the anti-cubicle. Very cool. Fanmail used the force and wrote in about George Lucas In Love. With all the X-Men hype going on, Link wrote in about Mutant Watch. Smurfy cared to share AIEEE, the Acronym Interaction, Expansion and Extrapolation Engine. fwfr told us about the Sim-William Shatner. You'll need Flash. Last but certainly not least, The Welcome Rain wrote in to tell us about your friend and mine, Robot Frank.

File Fragmentation and File System Resiliency 9

Eric^2 asks: "We have an old NT server that we are going to replace sometime this year. It has Diskeeper on it to do disk defragmentation. I remember from DOS that this was also a BIG problem, and am curious how the EXT2FS handles file fragmentation. Whatever we put in to replace that NT box needs to be fairly resiliant, and I was thinking either FreeBSD, or maybe Linux with the XFS file system, as it's supposed to be more fault tolerant. I would appreciate any suggestions that you may have! Is there a more robust solution than XFS for Linux? FreeBSD? Should I stick with NT and Diskeeper? "
Silicon Graphics

Tera Will Buy Cray Research 89

I just found this short news in C|Net which states that Tera Computer will buy Cray Research from SGI for an undisclosed amount of cash, stocks and notes (although the Wall Street Journal estimates the price that Tera pays is less then $100 million, which is a fraction compared to what SGI had to pay when they bought Cray - $740 million). Tera is going to change their company name to ... Cray.

SGI and SuSE Team Up on FailSafe for Linux 111

Syn Ack writes, "SGI and SuSE announced at CEBIT that they are going to team up to bring Iris FailSafe to Linux. Linus is quoted as saying that this is a "piece of the puzzle" that Linux is missing. Here is SGI's press release." The press release says FailSafe for Linux will be open source, but doesn't say under what license.

C++ Answers From Bjarne Stroustrup 386

Monday we had over 550 assorted questions and comments for and about Bjarne Stroustrup. Excellent moderation (Thanks, Monday Moderators!) helped cull this mass down to 10 extremely high-quality questions Bjarne has kindly answered in amazing depth, for which he deserves a loud round of applause. Update: 02/28 02:12 by R : Bjarne later took the time to dig through all the comments and reply to some of them. The additional material is appended to the end of the original Q&A session.

More Itanium-Linux Capability 69

gregus writes "Cnet is reporting that SGI and Red Hat have released their Itanium compilers and will make them open source." Mentions the Trillian kernel porting effort, and other stuff. Kinda a fluff piece: any piece that explains what a compiler is is probably fluff ;)
Silicon Graphics

SGI Gives Open Source some OpenGL Love 211

Doctor Bob writes "Just saw this press release from SGI. I think this quote sums it up: "With today's release, all of the necessary components to implement hardware-accelerated OpenGL drivers will be available to the open source community." " The implementation from SGI is ready for download from SGI. Have fun.

NVidia, SGI, and VA Linux Working on OpenGL 263

Milkman Ken writes "I just received an email from NVidia's Dave Schmenck about this press release about VA Linux, NVidia, and SGI collaborating on a 100% OpenGL 1.2-compliant graphics subsystem for Linux. According to the press release, this graphics subsystem should make OpenGL apps as fast or faster than they are currently in Windows. They're going to be demoing it during LinuxWorld in Feburary. "

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