
3D Gaming On Linux

David Navarro wrote in to tell us that PlanetQuake is running an article discussing 3D gaming on Linux. It's nothing that a veteran Linux user needs to read, but its interesting to see how much positive energy comes towards Linux thanks to Id's Doom and Quake ports. Great games have made the switch to Linux a lot more bearable for a lot of people.

Quake2 News

Razvan Jianu sent us a couple of tidbits. First, Linux Quake 3.13 is out. This was first mentioned on Freshmeat. Even cooler is a collection of New 64 Player Maps. Apparently a PPro 200 bogs down at 64, but it still will be fun to try!

Linux and Games (Editorial)

Rob Huffstedtler sent me an editorial piece on Linux and its future in the gaming market. It features comments from Crack.com's Dave Taylor, so everyon must definately hit the link below and read it.


dolphin sent in another tidbit of interest to Quake fans. As everyone knows by now, I'm fascinated by Tamagotchi's. Not good fascinated, but sort of fascinated like those people that pull over and look at car wrecks on the side of the road. Anyway, this link Talks about teh Quake Tamagotchi. Wierd world.

Carmack's Gambling Skills Benefit FSF

Dan Moore sent in a really cool note telling us that John Carmack has decided to donate the $20k he won at Blackjack in Vegas to the FSF! Absolutely awesome. We should go buy extra copies of Quake just to say thanks. Read more at John's Finger File.

Linux Quake Logo Contest

Shaw Terwilliger asked me to plug The Linux Quake Page's new Logo Contest. You've got 10 days left to submit your entry. Special consideration given to Free Software. IMHO "Special Consideration" is a bad idea. If Free Software needed special treatment, I wouldn't have created all the images on Slashdot in The Gimp.

20/20 Party

Wow! I haven't seen that active of a channel since #Quake the night the original came out. We had 150 or so people chatting away during 20/20 on the East Coast. Way cool. We have some logs here for those who missed the party. The best part was the page after page of screaming during Bill's 'Solo'. Very funny.

Hopefully #slashdot will remain a regular thing. We've got a bot now and hopefully we can have another party again soon.

Quake 2 security risk

Quake 2 is vulnerable to an attack posted on rootshell.com

Riven Scores Big

Last Christmas, Riven was the big seller, with Quake II coming in second, and Myst still sitting at number 4. I still haven't touched Riven- wish it ran under Dosemu. Thanks go to Minga for sending us this story over at Bootnet.

Quake II For Linux

Tim Newsome was the first to report that Quake II for Linux is apparently now available on iD's FTP Site. Grab it and play till you get paranoid and try to shot your neighbors head off with your snow shovel.

Quake2.com Hacked

While most of the rest of the world was passed out from partying away 1997, some diligent hackers broke in to Quake2.com the popular Quake web site and replaced the homepage with first a pornographic image, and then this image sent to us by Alan Bailward.

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