
VMWare/Quake 3/Unreal Tournament on FreeBSD 40

There have been a spate of reports about the usefulness of FreeBSD's Linux ABI recently. First off, Daeron wrote in with the news that VMWare now runs on FreeBSD, thanks to the efforts of Vladimir Silyaev. Vladimir has a page up with instructions and caveats. Secondly, Jacob Hart has confirmed that the Unreal Tournament Demo works flawlessly. Finally, Mark van Woerkom has created FreeBSD ports skeletons for Linux Quake 3 Test.

NVidia releasing OpenGL ICD by End of Year 116

ttyRazor writes "ga-source.com is reporting that at Comdex they were told by NVidia that they will be releasing an OpenGL ICD for Linux for all their current products by the end of the year. Woohoo! Quake 3 on my TNT in Linux! One less reason to dual boot. " Mmmm...prettier graphics. I'll give thanks for that.

Linux Unreal Tournament Files Released 186

Iceweasel writes "BTW, since Unreal Tournament came out today (and trust me, I already have my copy :), the Linux UT files were released today. Go to www.fileplanet.com or unreal.epicgames.com to get the 3 MB download. " Thanks to all the people who e-mailed me about GT Interactive - click below to get Tim Sweeney's take on the whole deal.

Quake 3 Arena goes Gold 128

Geek Dash Boy writes "I noted on Stomped that Quake 3 Arena has gone gold. There's no official news item on the Q3A web site, but two of the folks working on the game updated their .plan files with the news. " Mmm...much fragging to be done.

Quake III Arena Demo Test for Linux 319

We're being barraged with submissions that the Quake 3 Demo Test for Linux is now available, along with Win32 and Mac versions for the OS-challenged. I just tried it and the download was maxing out my DSL line, so I guess the Sandpiper guys are on the job.

Quake3 Demo Test Released 174

It seems like everyone and their dog wrote in with the news that the Quake 3 Demo Test is now available for download. Win32 only at the moment, although that probably won't stop most of you. Highlights include single player mode with bots (it says here), and a new map. And it does look very pretty.
It's funny.  Laugh.

User Friendly: The Book 31

Stern reviewed one of the most gimme books of the year: O'Reilly's User Friendly. The whole gang is gathered together in a dead tree version, which means you can finally take UF where ever you want to be.
United States

Onward, Christian Geeks 671

Last week "The War In Heaven," the world's first Christian action game, went on sale, opening a whole new chapter in the never-ending struggle between technology and the self-proclaimed forces of morality.

More Quakes For Taiwan 149

E-Rock writes " Looks like another couple of quakes hit Taiwan. [The story's from CNN.com.] Just when I thought RAM prices were able to return to reality." There's also the people who work in those factories, who are having a rough time of it right now. I wonder if there's a Taiwan Electronics Industry Workers' Relief Fund or something like that. I'd kick in a few bucks.

No Next Q3Test 144

Jacek Fedorynski writes "The Quake god recently interviewed on Slashdot, John Carmack, updated his .plan with word that there will be no next version of Q3Test - the next release will be a full demo with bot support and one more map (for beginners). The date of the release hasn't been set yet. Carmack also comments on the new Macintoshes. "

John Carmack Answers 327

A few days past, we solicited questions from you folks to ask QuakeLaird John Carmack [?] . We sent the questions over to him, and he answered. A lot. It's definitely one of the best interviews we've had yet - click below to read more.

50" Flat Screens from Pioneer 95

jon pointed us to an amazing screen. Its 50 inches, its flat, and at $20k you could buy a nice car instead. And 1280x768 doesn't seem like that many pixels for that much real estate. But still... yum. If anyone at pioneer wants to ship me a demo unit I promise to play quake on it and return it in a few years...

Ask John Carmack About Quake - or Anything Else 605

John Carmack is, of course, a GameGod[tm] so famous that even stuffy, all-business Forbes.com recently noticed him and Id Software. He's been interviewed about 42 gazillion times - but not by you. So go ahead. One question per post please, and since we expect a huge response, please try not to whine too loudly if our exotic blend of moderation, editorial judiciousness, and random dart-throwing doesn't pop your question(s) to the top o' the heap, which only has room for 10 - 15 no matter how many are submitted. Answers will be posted Friday, as usual, and I'm sure they'll be great, because John's a great guy!

Taiwan Earthquake 28

doodzed writes "A massive earthquake has just hit Taiwan. Many buildings have been toppled and over a hundred people are confirmed dead. It is hard to predict what the ramifications to the computer industry will be. Most of the world's motherboards and a lot of chips come from there. Those machines can't be reset overnight if they survived. I guess memory prices are going to go up again, but this pales in comparison to the human toll. Please pray for the victims." The story's at CNN.com - and everywhere else. Things don't look good in Taipei right now. Update:Spock_NPA writes "According to this article, the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company indicated at 6:00 PM PDT that the company's building has successfully withstood the effect of the earthquake." But according to this Reuter article, analysts in Seoul still expect to see higher chip prices.

Feature:Obscurity as Security 192

Matthew Priestley has taken a break from slaving for the man to write us a piece where he takes on the convential wisdom that Security through Obscurity isn't secure at all, and tries to argue that sometimes it is. Click the link below to read it. Lots of interesting stuff and some good examples. Its worth a read.

OLS Wrap-up 42

The Ottawa Linux Symposium has come and gone. It was a superb, very technical, conference that was also a great social event. Dana has put up her pictures, and the lovely Alix has put up hers. Last but not least, Alan Cox has put up his large collection. Finally, I've included my report below.
It's funny.  Laugh.

Interview: Illiad Answers 74

We got a bunch of questions for Illiad (of User Friendly fame) Monday, let the Moderators (you know who you are) decide which of them were worthy, and sent the chosen ones off to the wilds of British Columbia. Here are Illiad's answers...


Ask Slashdot: IP Masquerading Drawbacks? 212

A Nameless Slashdotter submitted this question: "IP Masquerading (NAT under FreeBSD) is straight from the Gods. Yet it has a few very large drawbacks, such as inability to do DCC or ICQ file transfers, or play games over the internet on one of the Masq'ed machines, even with the "irc" and "quake" masquerading modules loaded. Someone give me options to solve this problem, be it another operating system, a firewall setting, a program or setup!"

Unplugged: The End Of Wiredness 143

Last week, Lycos closed its purchase of Wired Digital, publisher of Wired News and Hotwired, officially ending the Wired Era. This is good or bad news, depending on your point of view, but worth marking either way.

PC Expo '99 Coverage 27

Reporting live from New York's Javits, Ars Technica has gone the latest round of coverage, with info about Quake III and BeOS, amongst others , including Simcity 3000 on Be, along with the sorry state of the Linux "pavilion". That's one of those down sides - the Linux shows themselves are usually pretty rocking, but outside of that turf, the showcasing is pretty lacking - preaching to the choir situation.

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