
Mozilla Info

Jordan Mendelson wrote in to give us a link to the new Mozilla logo competition. It's unofficial, but I'm sure many of you Gimp heads will still enjoy it. The other thing is that an anonymous read sent in a link to The Mozilla Bug Tracker which is currently empty. We all know better than that, so when you find 'em, post 'em.

The Future of Computing

George Russell. posted his predictions for the future to c.o.l.a. and sent a copy of it here as well. Hit the link below to read his predictions- I think he's pretty much right on with most of his guesses.
The Gimp

Daily GNOME, GIMP and Gtk RPMS out of CVS

Miguel de Icaza writes "Red Hat labs has setup a daily process that takes the latest versions of GNOME, GIMP and Gtk out from the GNOME cvs server and makes rpms for people to try gnome without having to manually install all of the required packages. " You can read about this over at RHAD labs.

Tidal Wave!

Get ready to rumble as the tidal wave continues. First off, Andrew Mobbs sent us an important list of must-read RFCs. RFC2321, RFC2322, RFC2323, RFC2324, RFC2325. He also reminds everyone that ds.internic.net is no longer the canonical RFC archive. Luis Villa sent us Important news on the Java API. Gernot asked us to check This directory on ftp.gimp.org. Lastly, james sent us this one and Raj Dutt sent us this one.

Adobe Profits Down

Ted Stein writes "Although GIMP advocates will likely attach the freeware image manipulation program to it, Adobe has not disclosed what it believes to be the cause of its first quarter losses (other than weak demand). Their revenues dropped from $226.5 million to $197.8 million." Read more at this wired article. Update:Relax People. The gimp thing was meant to be funny. And watch the language.
The Gimp

Yet Another Gimp

Mishari Muqbil wrote in to tell us that we now have version 0.99.23 of The Gimp to deal with. Cross your fingers and hope that this is the last break before 1.0. Download it, and hammer the heck out of it and stomp those last bugs guys!
The Gimp

New Gimp and GTK

tile wrote in to tell us that GTK 0.99.8 is up, and when I went to check it out, I found that Gimp 0.99.22 is out as well. Both programs are balancing perlilously on the edge of falling into the chasm of One Point Oh. Let's download these buggers, and find every last bug and make sure that 1.01 is a long ways off.
The Gimp

Excellent Gimp PR at IBM

Daily Grounds has an awesome writeup on The Gimp, Free Software, Linux and the like. The intro is a wonderful summary of the movement. Talks about Net-fu and Emacs and the like. Even IBM sites pay attention to software that is free. Creds to GIMP appears in IBM's Daily Grounds.
The Gimp

Gimp on Wired

delaney wrote in to tell us about this wired article about The Gimp. With the countdown on, it's nice to see that PR before one point oh. If there are any adobe employees reading, I'm curious what their take is.
GNU is Not Unix

GTK News

Not only is GTK.org up and running, but GTK 0.99.7 is out as well- apparently this one compiles again *grin*. On the bad side, this is all happening instead of 1.0. Hopefully this won't delay The Gimp's 1.0 release that we're all anxiously counting down for. Thanks to tile for taking a minute to let us know.
The Gimp

Gimp 0.99.20

With only 8 days left until the One Point Oh release of the Gimp, we now have 0.99.20 to contend with. Don't forget to snag the new GTK 0.99.5 as well. Chris Black was the first of several to report this one.
The Gimp

Exciting Gimp News

I haven't been keeping up on Gimp news lately apparently because Garrett wrote in to tell us that Gimp News is running a caption that says 10 Days Until 1.0! Very cool. Also worth noting is WilberWorks has some content on their web page now.

Linux Training in the UK

Aspirin The Fox writes "As of July '98 a major training company, Learning Tree International, will be offering a course entitled 'Introduction to Linux'. Another cool sign of Linux's increasing mainstreamness. " You can read more here.

Network World on Linux

Zach "Gimp News" Beane writes "Network World has a columnist who wrote an interesting column about creating an alternative to Microsoft by investing effort in Linux. The web version of the article is at this link.
The Gimp

Gimp Contest Finished

Stefan Ottosson wrote in to tell us that the latest Gimp Contest is over and we have a winner, viktor-0 is the new gzilla spinner, and dietmar-3 was the runner up. Voting should start soon for the gnome logo- there are some really sharp ones in there.
The Gimp

Gimp 0.99.19

Joseph Fisk wrote in with news to my ears: the latest version of The Gimp is out and about. Snag it from the same place as always.

The X Desktop (Editorial)

Here is something to think about. A friendly war is being waged over what your X desktop will look like in the years to one. Hit the link below to read about the two major contenters, KDE and Gnome, what I think about them, and why they need to work together.

Mark Kilgard Disappears

Aspirin The Fox wrote in to tell us that Mark Kilgard, famous OpenGL advocate, and disappeared from SGI. This information was announced on an OpenGL game developers list. Is this related to the cozying up of MS & SGI during the Fahrenheit deal?
The Gimp

Gimp.org Contest

Snorfle writes "The next Gimp.Org contest is under way! This time it is even more exciting... the topic is a logo for GNOME, and RHAD Labs is giving the winner a drawing tablet! There are a couple entries already, so hurry up and upload yours as well. Creating the official GNOME logo could be your chance to be famous!" This is a contest I could sink my teeth into. Wouldn't mind a drawing template either- I love those cool Wacom ones with the eraser built in.

Linux Quake Logo Contest

Shaw Terwilliger asked me to plug The Linux Quake Page's new Logo Contest. You've got 10 days left to submit your entry. Special consideration given to Free Software. IMHO "Special Consideration" is a bad idea. If Free Software needed special treatment, I wouldn't have created all the images on Slashdot in The Gimp.

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