The Gimp

GTK and GIMP get ported to Win32

Partisan writes "This guy has ported GTK (at least some of it, I don't know much about GTK) and THE GIMP to Win32. This port does NOT require the install of Cygnus GNU32 or an X-Server. More information is kept here as well as an explanation of the whys and hows"
The Gimp

Gimp Ports

Jaime Cruz writes "OS/2 Netlabs has completed porting everyone's favorite graphics manipulation program to OS/2! As far as I know, this is the first port of Gimp to a non-Unix based operating system. For the full details, check here! " Also, Craig Setera wrote in to tell us that he has released binaries of his win32 port of the Gimp. This one still needs an X-Server and stuff, but its a good start.
The Gimp

GIMP, Red Hat and Documentation

A.X.G. writes "Red Hat Software and Frozenriver are going to try to create the definitive GIMP manual, plus try to explore as much as possible use of free graphics applications on Linux."

S.u.S.E. 5.3 Available

Joe Hamelin writes "S.u.S.E. 5.3 is now out. Get it at suse.org, the Seattle Mirror. Lots of new X config stuff and gimp 1.0 in the release. S.u.S.E. has been so easy to install and maintain that I hesitate to switch. It's reliable too.. all slashdot gifs are served from a S.u.S.E. box. " Last time I tried S.u.S.E, the install seemed a little wierd, but I think I might try it again soon. Anyway, S.u.S.E's official web site is here, and if any of the S.u.S.E folks are reading this, what the heck is zuse.suse.de?

X-TrueType Server Version 1.0 Released

ISHIKAWA Mutsumi writes wrote in to say that v1.0 of X-TrueType Server Version 1.0 is now out. You can read the homepage in japanese or english. Snag the code from there and use the billion TrueType fonts available on the net with the Gimp.

MSNBC on Linux?

Patrick Aland sent this story from MSNBC about Linux. The story itself is a well-written one, talking about some of things we already know: about how wonderful Linux is and how all it needs is one great application and nothing will stop it. I dunno, I think that the Gimp does a good job, but what do I know?

Adobe, Photoshop and Linux

Sean wrote in to send us this link to a response from Adobe about a Linux port of Photoshop. They say exactly what you would expect (not enough demand to justify a port) and something you wouldn't (they suggest looking at the Gimp).
The Gimp

Gimp for WIN32

Ishikawa writes "Anyway, GIMP News reports that there is a port of the Gimp availiable for WIN32. It still requires a running X-server in order to work."

Feature:Should Be Open Up?

Usman Latif has written a feature for us on Be, and why he believes that it makes sense for them to take their OS and release it as open source.

LinuxPPC 4 released

Brock wrote in to tell us that LinuxPPC is now released. Comes with KDE, The Gimp, Netscape, and all the fixin'z you'd expect in a modern *nix. If you got the hardware, you know what to do.

12 300Mhz G3s in one Box

Benjamin Karas writes "Total Impact announced that they will sell computers, for $15,000, that have 3 4-G3 PCI cards in them. Wouldn't that be nice for Gimp! " If multiple CPU boxes can be had this cheaply, perhaps we'll see support for more than 4 CPUs.

LinuxPPC R4 Released

Jeffrey Davis writes "LinuxPPC has a big fresh new release, R4. link ". Indeed they do. The new release features Netscape Communicator, The GIMP, and a very "Kontroversial" Desktop Enviornment. Interestingly enough, the LinuxPPC folk are incorporated, and some of their stuff seems to imply they're for-profit. Can anyone clarify? It's good to see some commercial development work being done (and some good work, at that)!

Feature:Solaris and the Desktop

Shawn T. Amundson has sent us a feature on Solaris and the Desktop. Most of his arguments are cut and paste translatable to Unix as a whole, but in Sun's case, he's quite right. If they want to grow, they need a new desktop. Anyway, hit the link below to see what he has to say about making that happen.
Sun Microsystems

New Sun workstations

EugeneL sent us a link to a techweb article where you can read about Sun's New Workstations. Obviously I can't afford one, but I bet that Ultra 450 would make one amazing Gimp Workstation.


Piotr Mitros writes "Remember Gyve, the drawing program from Japan meant to complement Gimp? Well, it's finally reaching a state of early usability. It still core-dumps a lot, and parts of it are awfully slow, but it's already possible to draw, add text, manipulate objects, etc. with it. " Looks quite impressive. When the 36 hour day ammendment passes, I'm going to download it and give it a try.

Feature:Fear of X.0

David Ishee has written a piece on the Fear of X.0 where he talks about (surprise!) release versions of software. It's worth a gander...

Editorial:Avoiding the Tragedy of the Commons

Chris Marston has written a piece entitled "The Tragedy of the Commons" where he talks about open source development, and issues it will face in the future. Particularly the human issues for the people who create the code we all enjoy, and how ego, and fame fit in. It rings very true.

Saturday Quickies

Matthew Crosby wrote in to tell us that "there will be an informal little celebration thing on irc.gimp.org port 6666, channel #party. Paul Hart gave me a link to The Worm Farm. It's just weird. Robert Jones wrote in to send us a link to an excellent Linux Help site. Richard Brown sent us a link to a A weather site running Linux. Brian Moore wrote in to send us a link to a story about Communicator 5.0 And finally, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote in to announce that the PHP3 has hit the wire. For those in the dark, PHP is another excellent web page scripting language.
The Gimp

Gimp One Point Oh

Everybody's favorite GPLd Image Processor has finally hit the most wonderful One Point Oh. 'tis a joyous occasion, for now the developers can pat themselves on the back, shake each other's virtual hands, and move on to getting Paths into 2.0 *grin*. Seriously, I'm pleased as punch. The Free Software Movement needs one final thing to triumph, at that is Killer Apps, and I strongly believe that The Gimp is possibly the first. And there will be more. (This story set some sort of record- over 120 people wrote in to tell me that 1.0 is out. *grin*)

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