
SCO Answers Questions About Linux 79

Our original interview with two SCO Presidents somehow turned into responses from just one, returned long after they were promised. Anyway, here are answers to your questions about SCO from David McCrabb, President of their Server Division.

Linux And The PowerPC Architecture 202

Linux is always a little bigger than you think. Every day, people are working on porting Linux to new platforms to achieve more with what they have. In the case of LinuxPPC and Terra Soft Solutions, they're working with community spirit and the PowerPC architecture to create insanely great solutions with a touch of Tux.
The Gimp

Spencer Kimball's OnlinePhotoLab 73

Spencer Kimball, best known for co-creating that little app known as The Gimp, wrote in to let us know what he's doing these days. He, along with four other XCF members have created OnlinePhotoLab.com. Using the Gimp as a backend, it provides 50 megs of storage, and the ability to perform many normal gimp functions on images. Also provides an easy facility for sharing your images. Most interesting is the hardware. Spencer says "We have ten Linux boxes, each a dual processor running four GIMP engines, for a total of 40 engines. We estimate we can process about a million image requests per day. The cost of hardware was less than $25k." Here's hoping it can withstand the Slashdot Effect: it worked great last night ;)

Corel Buys MetaCreations' Graphical Tools 162

Bauwolf writes "According to MacCentral, Corel has bought some of MetaCreations' graphics products. Does this mean I'll have Painter running on my Linux box and Kai's Power Tools plugins for the Gimp soon?" Don't forget Bryce.

Graphics Tablets And Linux? 6

Forkenhoppen asks: "What is graphic tablet support like under Linux? I'm interested in getting a tablet for my computer for drawing/touching up art, and for using with the Gimp. What have people's past experiences been with different types of graphics tablets? What is the best one? Is there a low-cost tablet that works well under Linux? Are USB tablets supported? And most importantly, how many people actually use graphics tablets under Linux?"

Learn from Samba-Man Jeremy Allison 118

Jeremy is a leading Samba maintainer, and therefore one of the world's leading experts on Samba, which is often held up (along with Apache and the Gimp) as a sterling example of efficient and useful Open Source development. In the interest of full disclosure, we must mention that Jeremy is now employed by VA Linux, but that his primary responsibility is still Samba, just as it was when he worked for SGI. Look for Jeremy's answers to your questions within the next week.
The Gimp

New GIMP Book Under Open Publication License 97

Carey Bunks wrote to tell us that last week, "a new GIMP site, Gimp-Savvy.com, has come online and is making available the complete text of the recently released book Grokking the GIMP . This new GIMP resource, written by me and published by New Riders, has been released under an Open Publication License. The goals of Gimp-Savvy.com are to provide high-level educational and practical resources for the GIMP, and to promote its skillful and knowledgeable use."

Answers from Loki President Scott Draeker 165

Scott Draeker writes, "Here are my responses to the questions you sent, and a few others that had been posted." All we can say in return is, "Thanks, Scott. We really appreciate the time you took to do this."

Batch Processing And Digital Watermarks? 7

A not-so-Anonymous Coward asks: "I hope to start a dot.org (dot.com is so '90s, yuck) when I finish University (UK), and it will involve stuff to do with graphics. The question is: What's going on with Digital Watermarks, and how could I start using them in free software? Are they patented? Do they involve scary math? My ideal answer would be a C library or Perl module that can work with the standard graphics libs/mods that could do long batches of them, or even a script-fu for The Gimp."
The 2000 Beanies

Beanie Award Wrapup 174

Well, last Thursday evening we announced the Beanie award winners at the Slashdot/Andover/VA shindig at The China Club. For those of you not able to attend, I've written a synopsis below, otherwise you can watch the whole deal at TheSync. You can grab the awards in both streaming and downloadable format. And, if you'd like to see some pictures from the show, check out Brian Hawkins' online-pix as well as Kurt Gray's pix from the Andover booth.
The 2000 Beanies

Vote:Best Designed Interface in a Graphical App 15

The GUI has revolutionized the desktop. It made computers accessible to the masses, and even today it keeps getting cooler. Our nominees areeach carving out new territory in the realm of the graphical user interface. You can Vote for the best interface between The GIMP, Mozilla, XMMS and Enlightenment.

Open Source, Project Names and Respect

MartyJG asks: "I've been watching my Freshmeat slashbox for a while now, and I've seen many wierd and wonderful project names pop-up on there. There's obviously the cool names like Gimp, Gnome, Enlightenment, CodeWarrior, etc which everyone knows, but recently I've seen names like Orgasm, SleezeBall, Oregano, and SANE. My question is this: Who the hell can take open source software seriously with names like these? Can you imagine a developer saying to his supervisor "I'm not using Microsoft Visual Whatever anymore, I only use Orgasm now"? I can't. There's a flip side: names like Parsecfg, NAMG, Mmucl and Wmmp3 which are probably all great projects, but don't exactly trip off the tongue. Should we care more about what we call our projects? I'm not suggesting making Linux uber-commercial and all suit-like overnight - just give it some respect." Interesting thought, should we take more care in what we name our Open Sourced projects? Or should we stick with picking names that we think represent our projects properly?

Beginning Linux Programming, 2nd Edition 55

The first edition of this fine book, written by Neil Matthew and Richard Stones, remains one of the top-selling books that we've ever reviewed on Slashdot. At the beginning of this fall, the 2nd edition was introduced, to much fanfare, and a review by Kurt Gray. Click below to find out what's improved, or what's declined.

Interview: KDE Developers Answer Your Questions 277

Last week, Microsoft and antritrust. This week, thoughts on KDE's future from some of the people who work directly on it, specifically Kurt Granroth and Richard Moore. Instead of posting their e-mail addresses here and swamping them with messages, please see http://developer.kde.org, which will tell you not only how you can contact these gentlemen, but much more about KDE development.
GNU is Not Unix

The Battle That Could Lose Us The War 550

Quite a number of people have been writing to us about Dave Whitinger's column that ran on LinuxToday and was sent over here as well. Dave's contention is the browser compatibility is a crucial battle for the success of Linux - and things don't look so good. Click below to read the column, and contribute your thoughts.

Photogenics To Be Released For Linux 182

Frank Brockway writes "Photogenics, on of the best paint/image manipulation programs for the Amiga, will be available soon for Linux. Not much details as to which disto/cpu it works under, but this is definently a commericial program. The programmer, Paul Nolan, originally wrote this program in 1993 as a young teenager, and at the time, it was one of the best pixel pushers on any platform. Looks like The Gimp has some serious competition now. "

John Carmack Answers 327

A few days past, we solicited questions from you folks to ask QuakeLaird John Carmack [?] . We sent the questions over to him, and he answered. A lot. It's definitely one of the best interviews we've had yet - click below to read more.

Running Linux, 3rd Edition 76

O'Reilly's Running Linux is something of an established textbook on learning Linux from the beginning to getting deeper in the innards. The latest version is written by Lar Kaufman, Matt Welsh and Kalle Dalheimer. Click below to read the review of the newest edition of the book.

Road To Linux -- Made It! 165

Long ago and far away, I started writing a series called "Road To Linux," in which I set out to learn Linux in a few weeks. Talk about clueless. Nearly one year, two wasted computers, a ticked-off spouse, (and a Yellow Lab who ate a motherboard) 30-plus books and manuals and much assorted debris later, I've more or less made it.
The Gimp

Interview with Gimp Maintainer 89

palpatine writes "Linux.com has an interview with Manish Singh (yosh), the chief maintainer of the Gimp project. " Yosh mentions that they are in a feature freeze now (and here is the list of frozen features) for Gimp v1.2. Tons of cool stuff to lust after.

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