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Building a Teraflop Donated Beowulf Cluster 118

A number of people have written in about the new Teraflop Project aka Project Übermensch. It's an interesting idea-these folks want to get essentially the equivalent of 10757 AMD KII 350s, and turn it into a monster Beowulf cluster. In exchange for donating a machine to the project, you get a month of full bore processing power from your old machine, as well as a for-life e-mail address. They've got an address on the site to send machines to-but how often do you think one of these things is gonna break? I'd hate to sys-admin thousands of old boxen.
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Building a Teraflop Donated Beowulf Cluster

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"Spock, did you see the looks on their faces?" "Yes, Captain, a sort of vacant contentment."
