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Android Hardware Linux

Embedded Linux Conference Headlined By Drones 22

DeviceGuru writes: The Linux Foundation has released the full agenda for its annual North American Embedded Linux Conference + Android Builders Summit, which takes place Mar. 23-25 in San Jose, Calif. The ELC, which this year is titled Drones, Things, and Automobiles, increasingly reflects new opportunities for Linux in areas such as drones, robots, automotive computers, IoT gizmos, 3D sensing, modular phones, and much more. For those worried that ELC is skimping on the basics as it explores the more colorful sides of Linux, worry not, as there are still plenty of sessions on booting, trace analysis, NAND support, PHY frameworks, power management, defragmenting, systemd, device tree, and toolchain.
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Embedded Linux Conference Headlined By Drones

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  • by TechyImmigrant ( 175943 ) on Wednesday January 28, 2015 @03:54AM (#48921693) Homepage Journal

    >booting, trace analysis, NAND support, PHY frameworks, power management, defragmenting, *systemd*, device tree, and toolchain.

    Let the ranting begin, right here.

  • Anyone else... (Score:3, Informative)

    by captnjohnny1618 ( 3954863 ) on Wednesday January 28, 2015 @04:24AM (#48921773)
    Anyone else *kinda* sick of hearing about drones? And 3d printing... Don't get me wrong. It's cool stuff, but we've kinda beaten it to death at this point.
    • Well we tried talking politics but people complain it's a nerd news site and we should be talking more nerd stuff. Like drones and 3D printers.

    • What about 3-d printed drones?
    • Anyone else *kinda* sick of hearing about drones? And 3d printing... Don't get me wrong. It's cool stuff, but we've kinda beaten it to death at this point.

      Hmmm... *skims summary* I know, let's talk systemd!

  • by Anonymous Coward

    My prediciton is that within 5 years Linux will not be used on any of these: drones, robots, automotive computers or anywhere else that is safety critical. In fact, in general Linux is going to die in the embedded space because sel4 has been opened sourced and eChronros is about to be opened up.

    • Interesting ... did not know about these. Will take a look a little deeper. There are versions for popular SBCs apparently, so easy to get started ... I think Linux is very widespread, but as you say, there are alternatives .... pause for thought Thanks for the insight
    • There are alternatives. Both Unix-like alternatives, such as Minix, NetBSD, as well as non-Unix alternatives like QNX. Incidentally, anyone know the status of Chorus - a microkernel that was around in the 90s and bought by Sun? At one time, it was used by USL as the basis of their microkernel.

In every hierarchy the cream rises until it sours. -- Dr. Laurence J. Peter
