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IOS Hardware Hacking

Apple IOS 4.3.4 Jailbroken Hours After Update 121

Stoobalou writes "The cat and mouse game between Apple and the jailbreaking community continues unabated as an updated version of PwnageTool hits the web just hours after apple updated its iOS mobile operating system to lock out the JailbreakMe PDF-based exploit."
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Apple IOS 4.3.4 Jailbroken Hours After Update

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 18, 2011 @09:38AM (#36799256)

    No, this isn't a new jailbreak. It's an existing exploit which uses the same hardware exploit found by Geohot MONTHS ago. The exploit install software is now configured for the new iOS version is all. This is why it's a TETHERED exploit, as the untethered exploit add-on no longer works in 4.3.4.

    Is anyone technical even working at Slashdot anymore?

  • Tethered jailbreak (Score:5, Informative)

    by L4t3r4lu5 ( 1216702 ) on Monday July 18, 2011 @09:39AM (#36799264)
    This jailbreak requires you to have your phone connected to your computer at every reboot in order to root it, and root is lost if phone is rebooted without connecting to the computer.

    The PDF font handling vulnerability gave you perma-root (unthethered) and could also be used as a drive-by exploit.

    In short, misleading title is misleading.
  • by MobileTatsu-NJG ( 946591 ) on Monday July 18, 2011 @09:46AM (#36799350)

    Did you expect otherwise?

    Yesterday Slashdot's summary said the last update was to prevent jailbreaking. The article said it was to fix the PDF vulnerability. So, yes, you might expect otherwise if you weren't terribly well informed on the topic.

  • by Anubis IV ( 1279820 ) on Monday July 18, 2011 @09:57AM (#36799468)

    Here's a fixed title for you: Slashdot user fails at basic reading comprehension. It is NOT a drive-by-download exploit. The drive-by-download PDF vulnerability existed in 4.3.3 but was rapidly patched with the release of 4.3.4, and it has yet to be reopened as a viable exploit. Instead, what these hackers/developers/<your spin here> have managed to do is update their tethered means of jailbreaking to work with 4.3.4, but it currently requires being tethered to your computer with each and every reboot, otherwise you lose root. It's about as far from a drive-by-download as you can imagine and is not currently susceptible to malicious attacks unless you compromise physical access to your device. Now, pardon me while I tout how secure my Apple product is.

  • Re:Hah (Score:4, Informative)

    by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) * on Monday July 18, 2011 @10:07AM (#36799578) Journal

    removing security holes

    Is that what they're calling locking down a device these days?

    By your logic, if the black helicopters showed up on your front lawn and hauled you and your family away to a detention camp they'd be "removing security holes".

    In a way, you'd be right, too.

    Remember what Ben Franklin said about security. If you're willing to give up your freedom for security, you don't deserve either. By Franklin's logic, Apple users deserve nada.

The nation that controls magnetism controls the universe. -- Chester Gould/Dick Tracy
