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Silicon Graphics Hardware

Japan's Newest Linux Supercluster: 13TB RAM 163

green pizza writes "Following its sale of a 10240 processor cluster to NASA, Silicon Graphics Inc has announced that it's supplying a 2048 processor Altix 3700 Bx2 to the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. Aside from running Linux on Itanium2 processors, the beast also features 13 TB of RAM!"
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Japan's Newest Linux Supercluster: 13TB RAM

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  • by tomstdenis ( 446163 ) < minus poet> on Wednesday November 03, 2004 @12:22PM (#10710915) Homepage
    I agree. These rather wasteful supercomputers are getting less and less impressive.

    You know what would be impressive? Published results!

    I mean they consume gobs of resources [power, material, waste]. That's not impressive. That's an American city block. What would be impressive is having to show for it at the end of the day.

  • bottleneck (Score:5, Insightful)

    by igny ( 716218 ) on Wednesday November 03, 2004 @12:23PM (#10710922) Homepage Journal
    Do all processors share 13TB? Because if they don't the bottleneck is that subprocesses have only 13TB/1024 available ( a mere 13GB each), and still have to communicate a lot.
  • by RealProgrammer ( 723725 ) on Wednesday November 03, 2004 @12:40PM (#10711099) Homepage Journal
    Haven't we had enough rudeness the last four years? I happen to be pleased by most of those results (though not, for example, that anyone still uses Windows). But you're a cowardly troll for anonymously posting such off-topic flamebait. - Get some stones and at least use a pseudonym - Stay on topic - Avoid calling people names like "Eurotrash" - In short, show a little class
  • by halfelven ( 207781 ) on Wednesday November 03, 2004 @03:41PM (#10714602)
    These rather wasteful supercomputers are getting less and less impressive.
    You know what would be impressive? Published results!

    The results are already "published", just not explicitly.

    The gas price is twice smaller than it could be? That's because supercomputers such as those made by SGI are used to do simulations related to oil drilling and stuff.

    The car prices are smaller than they could be? That's because car crashes are simulated on supercomputers instead of performed actually during the design process.

    Nuclear weapons are more powerful than they could be? That's because... oh, wait. :-)

egrep -n '^[a-z].*\(' $ | sort -t':' +2.0
