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iMac Hardware

New iMac Pictures Leaked? 197

krimmc writes "Pictures have been posted on the internet of the supposed new mac design which will feature the guts of the computer behind the flat panel monitor. The new computers are to debut as early as next week and its creating a buzz among current apple users. News.com has also published coverage of the new design." As with most of these things, we won't really know if it's real until Apple cease and desists the website. Pictures are really crappy looking, so its hard to tell anything anyway.
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New iMac Pictures Leaked?

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  • Not Sure (Score:5, Informative)

    by Oculus Habent ( 562837 ) * <oculus DOT habent AT gmail DOT com> on Sunday August 29, 2004 @09:09AM (#10101893) Journal
    It might be, but it also looks strikingly similar to the Cinema Displays. Apple's home line has been white plastic for a while - eMac, iMac, iBook - and this looks more like brushed aluminum. The poor picture quality makes it hard to tell.
    • Re:Not Sure (Score:4, Informative)

      by nickinho ( 793868 ) on Sunday August 29, 2004 @09:12AM (#10101915)
      Actually it looks nothing like the cinema displays

      And it will of course

      No way is that the iMac
      • Re:Not Sure (Score:5, Interesting)

        by Randy Wang ( 700248 ) on Sunday August 29, 2004 @09:14AM (#10101923)
        Actually, the guy admitted it was a hoax - it's really a 20" LaCie in a PowerBook box. That's why the foam doesn't fit the back!

        Sorry, no linkage (no French, either).
        • Re:Not Sure (Score:3, Interesting)

          by hype7 ( 239530 )
          Actually, the guy admitted it was a hoax - it's really a 20" LaCie in a PowerBook box. That's why the foam doesn't fit the back!

          A hoax makes sense. About 6 months ago, MacBidoulle self-retired from the rumour business - it said it was taking too much pressure from the mothership.

          They've stayed pretty true to their word - up until now...

          -- james
        • Re:Not Sure (Score:5, Informative)

          by T'hain Esh Kelch ( 756041 ) on Sunday August 29, 2004 @10:31AM (#10102205)
          And if you want to check why it is a hoax, try this: Open the pictures in Photoshop and look at the RGB channels alone. It says "FAKE" a few places.
          • Re:Not Sure (Score:5, Informative)

            by BillX ( 307153 ) on Sunday August 29, 2004 @12:00PM (#10102573) Homepage
            It's not really visible unless you split the image into CMYK.
            • Re:Not Sure (Score:4, Insightful)

              by BillX ( 307153 ) on Monday August 30, 2004 @01:42AM (#10106813) Homepage
              Oh, by the way (to those who modded up this crap about the words FAKE FAKE FAKE being encoded into the color channels), these parent and grandparent posts are hoaxes, as well. How many of you actually opened a photo editor and split the channels before modding this insightful? That's what I thought.
          • That's just there to deceive you into thinking it's a hoax.

            On similar note, Apple will be marketing their latest consumer product on the cover of an upcoming magazine; there was a copy of the magazine cover in the same elevator as the new iMac. Leaked photo here [informationtornado.com].

        • I would have suspended my disbelief for a moment longer if I didn't notice that those photos were taken on the floor of an elevator.

          At least that's what it looks like to me. Would anyone actually decorate their home or office like that? Black 'raised dot' floor..aluminum trim.. Bleh....

          • I lived in Europe for six years.....there's a vast amount of that raised-bubble stuff, um, everywhere. It seemed to be kind of the preferred floor covering for public high-traffic areas. They use it in places where you'd more often see tile in the US.

            I'm having a flashback to pushing an AV cart down a long hallway...

            It's actually not bad stuff, if you're not pushing a cart. Seems to last a long time, and when it does start to get worn, you pull it up just like linoleum, throw down a fresh layer of glue
          • Re:Not Sure (Score:5, Informative)

            by grahamlee ( 522375 ) <graham AT iamleeg DOT com> on Sunday August 29, 2004 @01:03PM (#10102893) Homepage Journal
            Indeed, the original story in appleinsider stated that this was an elevator at Paris Charles de Gaulle, where the photographer (a handler) had intercepted the package. Well, that screamed "hoax" at me; Apple don't tend to bundle top-secret prerelease hardware to their expos in the retail packaging. clickety - original story [appleinsider.com]
        • Here's your link [appleinsider.com].

  • I dunno... (Score:2, Interesting)

    The pictures looked like flatscreen tv's... Could you really fit an imac in there?
  • In English (Score:5, Informative)

    by Arc04 ( 601196 ) on Sunday August 29, 2004 @09:11AM (#10101902)
    Thanks to google. clicky [google.com]
    • by DrLZRDMN ( 728996 ) on Sunday August 29, 2004 @09:17AM (#10101940)
      The machine seems to us well punt, and the history a rocambolesque hair.

      Automatic translaton systems never fail...to amuse and confuse.
      • by pjt33 ( 739471 )
        A quote from my Natural Language Processing lectures (lectured by Ted Briscoe, before anyone accuses me of lack of attribution):
        The official policy was that all translation of official French at conferences and things had to be more verbose and worse. That's roughly what the law said, which was seen as a good thing for machine translation.
    • I think the Google Pigeons need to work a bit on their translation skills:
      We are unaware of if these photographs are true or false. The machine seems to us well punt, and the history a rocambolesque hair. An airport is today more than ever a protected archi place where nobody can move without monitoring. Being given that one easily finds them on Internet, we deliver them to you.
  • debunked (Score:5, Informative)

    by FrenZon ( 65408 ) * on Sunday August 29, 2004 @09:12AM (#10101904) Homepage

    As sent to the editors:

    This has already been debunked as being just a LaCie panel in an Apple box. See: http://www.engadget.com/entry/3611729073994828/ [engadget.com]

    Or from the horse's mouth: http://forums.appleinsider.com/showthread.php?s=&p ostid=666014#post666014 [appleinsider.com]

  • Slow news. (Score:5, Informative)

    by Amiga Lover ( 708890 ) on Sunday August 29, 2004 @09:12AM (#10101910)
    The guy who faked the pics admitted to it. Yesterday. They're photos of a LaCie LCD in a powerbook box.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday August 29, 2004 @09:12AM (#10101911)
    A monitor in a box? What, with FOAM PADDING?? This is absolutely revolutionary!

    I wonder what those losers in Redmond are thinking now!
  • Unlikely (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday August 29, 2004 @09:12AM (#10101912)

    Looking at the current G5, much of the space is taken up by cooling apparatus. Surely, there isn't enough room, from what one can see in the picture, to fit a G5 and the requisite hot air pathways/fans and avoid burning off the LCD.

    • Re:Unlikely (Score:3, Informative)

      by MarcQuadra ( 129430 ) *
      Well the pictures linked are bunk but...

      The G5 isn't really so hot of a CPU, the current ones put out about as much wattage at 2GHz as my Athlon-XP at 1.8GHz. It puts out about 50 watts, about half as much as the latest P4 offerings. And contrary to popular belief, it's OK to run your CPU hot, there's no need to cool it down to 50C if it's rated and tested at 80C.

      The G5 tower's design is designed for the case to be cool to the touch and quiet, hence the big fans, the system puts out less heat than an off-
  • For crying out loud (Score:5, Informative)

    by xutopia ( 469129 ) on Sunday August 29, 2004 @09:12AM (#10101914) Homepage
    There are always pictures like these by Apple fans. If you would have read the comments there is one in particular which should have alerted you :

    "A notre avis, c'est juste un écran habilement retouché.

    [MàJ] Il semble que ces photos aient été posté en premier sur le site AppleInsiders. Nous avons acquis depuis la certitude qu'elles sont fausses."

    Which translates to:

    Our opinion is that is just a picture of a monitor which was touched up.

    It seems they have been posted first on AppleInsiders. We have since found out with certainty that they are false.

  • by jeriqo ( 530691 ) * <jeriqo.unisson@org> on Sunday August 29, 2004 @09:13AM (#10101920)
    "[MàJ] Il semble que ces photos aient été posté en premier sur le site AppleInsiders. Nous avons acquis depuis la certitude qu'elles sont fausses."

    [Update] It looks like these pictures were first posted on AppleInsiders website. We are now sure that these are fake pictures.
  • Well, the box resembles the kind an Apple display comes in. The unit itself looks similar to pictures I've seen of the recent aluminum displays. I'm not convinced.

    If popular convention has it that the iMac is going G5, and the computer will be set up as in the picture, then does that mean cooling problems have been solved? If so, why not placate the power users who crave portability and offer a PowerBook G5 before catering to the lower-tier market within which the iMac resides?
  • by vorpal22 ( 114901 ) on Sunday August 29, 2004 @09:15AM (#10101927) Homepage Journal
    Nous avons acquis depuis la certitude qu'elles sont fausses

    Roughly translated (my French is far from perfect): We have discovered with certainty that they're fake.
    • let progress...

      We are now certain they are fake.

      Nous avons acquis la certitude: We acquired certainty (word to word, not very elegant, I agree)-> The speaker is now convinced. This is the opinion of the speaker, not some scientific discovery. It has some weight, but it is still an opinion.

      We have discovered with certainty : for me, your formulation is ambigous. I feel some research, but the "with certainty" breaks the effect. We have discovered, or we have not. But "discovering with certainty" make su
  • Pictures Fake (Score:2, Informative)

    In the other forums that have already covered this, such as Mac Rumors [macrumors.com] and AppleInsider [appleinsider.com], evidence suggests that the pictures are not the iMac.

    But, this can mean many things. It can be the new apple display, or a completely unannounced product. But, just as likely, it is an old display, or something photoshopped to look like something new from Apple that is not from apple at all.
    • Apparently if you view the original image (I think the ones linked are resized copies) in Photoshop and view only the blue channel, the word "FAKE" is written across the top right.
  • by pla ( 258480 )
    Can't help but think this doesn't really seem all that revolutionary of a design. With the original iMac, they made the monitor and the PC the same nice compact unit. This just takes the next logical step now that flat panel displays have come to the mainstream.

    Also doesn't seem all that much of a leap from a tablet PC... Make one a bit bigger, and add ports for all the standard peripherals, and mount it vertically. Poof, you have the new iMac.

    I will, however, give Apple credit for doing it first. M
    • Hmmmm, you'd give credit to Apple for this? Even though it's a hoax? Even though 2 years ago I saw a similar format PC? Not quite as thin, but then that's cause it's just a flat panel monitor.
  • This site has pictures of apple ads. As if the ads themselves weren't enough, we have to have Mac fanboys posting pictures of them on websites. WTF?
  • I don't even believe the Mac sites that I read religiously because too many of the contributors are fanboyz with a copy of photoshop (pirated, no doubt) and too much time on their hands.

    So I have to be inflicted with the same fictions on slashdot? At least give me fiction with a slight chance of being true like, oh, Longhorn really being released in ought-six. Naaah, that defies credulity, too.
  • by Udo Schmitz ( 738216 ) on Sunday August 29, 2004 @09:29AM (#10101984) Journal
    /. somehow disqualifies itself by spreading such an obvious hoax hours after it was debunked by the creator himself:


    Read about it on AppleInsider [appleinsider.com]

  • by SilentChris ( 452960 ) on Sunday August 29, 2004 @09:31AM (#10101990) Homepage
    What's that unearthly glow coming out of the cardboard box?
    • Gasp! (Score:3, Funny)

      by Udo Schmitz ( 738216 )
      What's that unearthly glow coming out of the cardboard box?

      Steve Jobs' Reality Distortion Field (TM). So the thing must be real. Gasp!

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Well while it's a hoax, the image itself is mostly real. That is a powerbook box and most likely the image was overexposed so that you couldn't tell that the styrofoam molds where the same as in a powerbook box.
  • by Udo Schmitz ( 738216 ) on Sunday August 29, 2004 @09:31AM (#10101993) Journal
    Quick, get it before Apple legal takes down that site:

    iMac G5 [mac.com]

  • by Chess_the_cat ( 653159 ) on Sunday August 29, 2004 @09:36AM (#10102006) Homepage
    Where have I seen this before? [theregister.co.uk]
  • by slux ( 632202 ) on Sunday August 29, 2004 @09:48AM (#10102045)
    The Ipodfrance galleries also feature this [ipodfrance.com]...
    (Coral link [nyud.net])

    It looks somewhat more convincing although it's very bad quality and could really be something completely different, but at least it does looks somewhat like Apple hardware and has never been seen before...

  • Why, for goodness' sake, would you post pictures of a supposedly unreleased Mac on a mac.com homepage???

  • here [mac.com] my doubts would be why would they only take pics while it was still in its box? take it out, set it up the way it should be, then snap some shots. seems suspect, plus it's gray, not the candy coloured lighted thingy we're expecting. perhaps it looks diff on, and again, why not power it up if it's real?

    (protest bush)

  • Oh My God (Score:2, Funny)

    by pHatidic ( 163975 )
    Oh My God it's in some freaky alien language. I always knew Steve Jobs was an alien. No wonder the aliens are always the first to know about the new Apple products.
  • by G4from128k ( 686170 ) on Sunday August 29, 2004 @09:59AM (#10102080)
    Although the photos may be fake, the design is sound. A 17 inch or 20 inch LCD creates a massive space of real estate in the back -- plenty of room for a mobo, powersupply, drive bays, etc.

    Cooling would only be trick if Apple insists on passive cooling (which is just the type of thing Jobs might do). Even this would not be that hard an engineering problem because the height of the monitor provides an excellent chimney effect for passive cooling. Mounting the G5 (and other hot electronics) at the base of the unit and allowing the G5-heated air to rise the height of the monitor would provide a fairly nice draft (at least 4-8 times the cooling capacity of the ill-fated PowerMac Cube). An auxillary fan might be used if needed (a large low-RPM exhaust fan in the center top could provide extra airflow if needed).
    • by glennrrr ( 592457 ) on Sunday August 29, 2004 @10:28AM (#10102194)
      I remember watching the introduction of the current "desk lamp" iMac. Steve Jobs was emphatic about the computer built into a flat screen monitor was a bad idea. He gave the example of taking an original iMac and removing the CRT; the optical drive wants to be horizontal; the monitor wants to be vertical. If you wanted the whole unit to be flat, you had to mount the optical drive at a severe angle, which drive technology at the time would not allow while maintaining full speed and reliability. Good design required keeping the intrinsically horizontal separate from the intrinsically vertical.

      Now, if there has been advancement in vertically mounted optical drives, in that there are drives available which are fast while spinning at any arbitrary angle, then this whole calculus changes.
      • Vertically mounted optical drives are a bad idea? Hm, they're not that uncommon for compact desktops here in Japan, and the PS2 can be mounted that way. You're not talking about the hard drive, are you?
      • Spartacus! (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Cid Highwind ( 9258 )
        If The Steve really objects to having a new iMac integrated into the monitor panel, it's not for technical reasons. The Twentieth Anniversary Mac [lowendmac.com] was a computer integrated into a flat-panel monitor, complete with a vertical CD drive, and they made that way back in 1997! (that large box next to the TAM in that picture is just a subwoofer, the CD-ROM is right below the screen)
        • Re:Spartacus! (Score:3, Interesting)

          by Etcetera ( 14711 ) *

          However, the TAM was limited to a 4x CD-ROM drive for precisely that reason. As the parent says, though, I have no idea how much technology has improved for vertically-mounted drives since then.

  • by Lxy ( 80823 ) on Sunday August 29, 2004 @10:02AM (#10102095) Journal
    Gateway is already on its 5th generation of such a product. The Profile [com.com] is very similar in description, but has been out for quite a few years. I find it hard to believe tht Apple would try to imitate an existing product, Steve Jobs seem more innovative than that when it comes to packaging hardware.

    Why does Slashdot insist on posting every single Mac rumor? 99% of these things are bogus, and are usually debunked within 10 replies. It's not news, it's just crap.
  • Details on the hoax (Score:4, Informative)

    by intx13 ( 808988 ) on Sunday August 29, 2004 @10:23AM (#10102173) Homepage
    Just for those who don't feel like reading through the article and associated forum: An apple fanboy created this photo with some ingenuity and photoshop and posted it as if it came from a third party. If you view the photo's blue channel only, you can see the following image [ntlworld.com] Notice the words "fake fake fake" in the corner. Later on the forum Philbot (who was caught as the purpotrator of another hoax last year) admitted the deed. Oh those crazy apple geeks...
  • did anyone see the rediculous apple vest? was that a fake too? it looked like a prop from a 70's space movie. Or was that just a Lacie vest in disguise? French fashion!
  • I've seen the new iMac!

    It must be only for pointy haired bosses.

    Can you say Etch-A-Sketch?

  • iCube (Score:2, Insightful)

    by oudzeeman ( 684485 )
    I want an all aluminum single processor headless mac, to give an entry level machine without a monitor. I think a lot more people would go Mac if they weren't forced to either get an expensive LCD display or a top-of-the-line dual processor system.
    • I don't care what they look like... cube, slab, or mini-tower... so long as I get to put my own monitor on it.
    • I believe that the new Macs use standard DVI connectors now, so you should be able to plug in any modern monitor, or an older one with a converter.

  • Cease and desist (Score:3, Insightful)

    by pajamacore ( 613970 ) on Sunday August 29, 2004 @12:30PM (#10102728)
    A cease and desist from Apple Legal won't necessarily mean this is the new iMac. Claiming something is an Apple product when it's not is pretty worthy of legal action.
  • by inkswamp ( 233692 ) on Sunday August 29, 2004 @12:43PM (#10102794)
    I'll finally put my guess into the public forum.

    First, I think these iMac pics are probably fakes. Just a gut instinct as a long-time Mac user. It doesn't really look much like an Apple design. I could be wrong, but only if they're striking out in some tangential direction.

    Second, look at another Mac-related tidbit that made the rounds of the rumor sites just recently [theregister.co.uk]. It hints of a tablet Mac which is strange because the market is weak and Jobs has already gone on record saying that PDAs are not a market Apple is interested in (and possibly by extension, tablets as well?)

    So what does that leave us with?

    Well, Apple has recently made a relatively quiet product announcement with Airport Extreme so if I were to put 2 and 2 together, the result would be a dockable iMac, a machine where some of the components are in a base station (optical drive for one, some ports, etc.) and the screen actually rests in the base where is recharges when it's in desktop mode and can be picked up and walked around with and used like a tablet using the technology they've begun to explore with Airport Extreme.

    Sounds far-fetched, but take a second look at the sketches for the "tablet" [theregister.co.uk] which appears to have an dock-connector similar to the iPod's on one edge. Maybe this isn't a tablet per se but the screen for the iMac G5.

    My theory may be completely off-the-mark, but just following the threads of Apple's recent products, I'm lead to consider this sort of possibility.

    • by Anonymous Writer ( 746272 ) on Sunday August 29, 2004 @02:03PM (#10103330)

      My theory may be completely off-the-mark, but just following the threads of Apple's recent products, I'm lead to consider this sort of possibility.

      One of Apple's strongest selling lines has been their [theregister.co.uk] notebooks [bbc.co.uk]. Considering that some people actually buy notebooks as desktop replacements, you may not be completely off-the-mark. A desktop iMac with a small footprint and a dockable tablet that links wirelessly [pbs.org] would fit this market well, working as a desktop, yet providing portability. It would fit the same niche market for people that use notebooks around the home [apple.com], while alleviating the problem of dealing with plugging and unplugging cables. Steve Jobs did seem to give a clue that Apple may be working on some kind of wireless product- here's a quote [appleinsider.com] from AppleInsider...

      When Jobs was demonstrating the new Airport Express, Walt Mossberg said that the biggest problem he saw was that users had to get up and walk to their computers to change play lists. Jobs joked that walking was good, but when pressed, he smiled a wry smile. AppleInsider correspondents took this to mean that Apple is developing in this area, and the Airport Express is just a step along the way.
      • Interesting quote...

        However Apple are advertising for WiFi and Bluetooth engineers for their iPod division. It seems fairly clear that the iPod will be gaining some wireless capabilities, and linking it in to an Airport Express music network would make a great deal of sense. That could be why Jobs smiled his wry smile in response to Airport Express speculation.
  • do a search for it. its basicly a wintel stuffed on the backside of a lcd screen with wireless keyboard and mouse. you cen put it on top of you desk by using the stand (that can allso hold a set of speakers that can integrate with a mp3 memory unit to become a portable stereo) or hang it on your wall. for some reason i hope its the future of computers (even more so if said computer is a tablet/laptop hybrid and the stand is a docking station, kinda like the toshiba m200 + docking station)...

Type louder, please.
