Human-Robot Love and Marriage 358
An anonymous reader writes "MSNBC has an article on the impending robo-human coupling: 'My forecast is that around 2050, the state of Massachusetts will be the first jurisdiction to legalize marriages with robots,' artificial intelligence researcher David Levy at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands told LiveScience."
This is the CENTRAL SCRUTINIZER... (Score:2)
And you're gonna have to pay for it!
Re:This is the CENTRAL SCRUTINIZER... (Score:5, Funny)
Some of IBM's mid-range systems from the late 1980s (actually quite large, physically, by today's standards...) had a circular opening about 2 inches in diameter. This opening was near some circuitry or device that would heat up rather quickly. So with the help of some duct tape and foam, this hardware admin fashioned himself a warm vagina of sorts, right on the side of our IBM system.
We're not sure how long he had a "relationship" with the system, but it came to an end one day when during lunch he ran over to a group of us, with his hands covered in blood. Apparently the foam vagina tore, and a piece of metal got him on the penis shaft. He went to the hospital, and was okay in the end. But he didn't really last long with the company after that...
Never Again... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:This is the CENTRAL SCRUTINIZER... (Score:5, Funny)
Fixed the typo for you.
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The plot summary from []
In the future, a man travels to the ends of the earth to find that the perfect woman is always under his nose. When successful businessman Sam Treadwell finds that his android wife, Cherry model 2000 has blown a fuse, he hires sexy renegade tracker E. Johnson to find her exact duplicate.
There, now you don't need to read the article...
Here is SOVIET AMERICA (Score:2)
He Should Maybe Think About Amsterdam (Score:2)
After all, though it may be morally frowned upon in the states, who of us hasn't dreamed of going down to the blue light district, picking up a couple of floozybots and voiding their warranties all night long?
BUT that pimp said it's already Legal in Amsterdam (Score:2)
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DON'T DATE ROBOTS (Score:5, Funny)
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it's all safe here, from women, robot-women and alien women.
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Re:DON'T DATE ROBOTS (Score:4, Interesting) []
In fact, most couples are constantly training each other. The problem is that in order to train someone, you need to decide what the desired behavior is, then decide on how to reward them, and finally to avoid being trained yourself. Random rewards work best.
I think that operant conditioning is why a lot of couples do not have sex. (NOT the only reason)
Each time they are rejected, it is a punishment. There has to be an optimum odds of approval (over 90% but below 100% I think.) Finally, the behavior extinguishes. It's odd because even 1 in 6 food pellets can keep a rat going but humans and sex seems to require higher reinforcement to keep a high rate going. Our "discouraged" rate seems to be once every three to five weeks.
Re:DON'T DATE ROBOTS (Score:4, Insightful)
If you've been married more than five years, you've had this conversation, especially if you've had a child:
Wife: "Booohooohooohooo!"
Husband: "What's wrong?"
Wife: "Nothing. *sniff*"
Husbad: "Really?"
Wife: "*sniff* Yeah, I'm fine."
Husband: "Then why are you crying?"
Wife: "I don't know!"
There's just no way you can anticipate or train things like this. I think the closest you can get with a robot is to train it, then take a baseball bat to some of the circuitry.
But this is a good thing. You seriously don't want your robot to go out to a "party" with other robots and come home having spent $160 on five boutique candles because they came with a free gift in a pink bag.
Don't Date Robots! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Don't Date Robots! (Score:5, Funny)
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Obligatory (Score:2, Funny)
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Your just jealous I beat you to it.
Who wouldn't be..
This was a triumph (Score:5, Funny)
Remember, your companion cube will never stab you.
It's hard to overstate my satisfaction. (Score:3, Funny)
We do what we must
because we can.
Well, it gives a whole new meaning to "Aperture Science," anyway.
Forecasts (Score:2)
Sure, and those newlywed human-robot couples will travel in their flying cars to the Space Elevator to spend their honeymoon in Europa's famed tropical resorts.
Seriously, what's with all these long term technological "predictions"? We barely have any idea about what technology look like in 10 years, let alone 50. Personally, when I see any "expert" saying so-and-so technology will be available in 5 or more years, I just stop paying attention.
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AI is no exc
Good news, everyone! (Score:2)
"Drat! I knew I should have showed him Electro-Gonorrhea: The Noisy Killer."
/me queues up for his Lucy Liu-Bot
Obligatory Lucy LiuBot... (Score:5, Funny)
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look, flying cars, in the sky, right now! (Score:4, Insightful)
An academic in a technical field - or, indeed, the average "expert", to be differentiated from a visionary or "big thinker" - himself acts like a very advanced robot in his field; he has got where he is because he has a great memory for previous results, and a great ability to pattern match to apply to similar problems. If this individual is in AI, he creates models in his own image, which are then doomed to be highly specific.
Humans are more general than this, simply because we're not singularly goal-directed as all these models assume. Put another way: imprison a baby in a bubble and tell him that his only task in life is to compose beautiful music, and he will not - just as non-ethological experiments on primates usually fail to witness intelligent behaviour, because there is no incentive to be intelligent in a cage.
AI needs the sherpherding of visionaries, not necessarily scientists. Certainly not single-minded-goal-directed scientists.
Re:look, flying cars, in the sky, right now! (Score:4)
N.B.: Even this decade the computers will be underpowered for anything serious...but high end user-space systems will be able to tackle more than toy problems. At this point we start getting cars that can drive themselves. (DARPA contest to the contrary, we aren't quite there yet.) We might also start getting useful conversations in a clipped form of basic English. (The problem there is that the programs don't have enough real world knowledge to operate outside of specialist they're quite brittle.)
But today's interactive systems probably have less computing power on the average than does a mosquito. So it's not too surprising that no real AI has materialized. The question is what's the minimal capacity for understanding natural language...unfortunately, this seems to be equivalent to "how much knowledge of the world do you need to have in order to operate resiliently?" A depressingly large number. But a lot of English can't even be parsed without understanding what's being talked about. So people makes guesses until one of them turns a bunch of phonemes into something sensible. [Note that you can't even get word boundaries without knowing "sort of" what's being said.])
Now many techniques that were originally created for artificial intelligence ARE being used regularly and all over the programming space...but those aren't AI.
Also consider that some important pieces, e.g. expert systems, aren't useful outside of the proper context, but are very powerful within it. But these are *COMPONENTS*. It's like complaining because your car's transmission isn't a good vehicle. (OTOH, this isn't entirely a neutral statement. Many of these pieces were oversold by early promulgators who believed that they'd found the last needed piece. It's not a situation of "No blame.".)
My current projections put extensively useful AI around 2020, and human level AI around 2030. There may be one or two early arrivals, but computer power necessary to embody them won't be cheap enough.
OTOH, the early arrivals are very important. AIs may be programs, but they also need to learn about the world. This takes YEARS. A decade is pushing it, especially for a new entity who doesn't have a well-defined position in the social matrix. But once it is created, it's a program, and can easily be copied to multiple machines. So if a company creates and raises an AI around '17 (when the equipment for doing so is still too expensive for anything outside a research lab), by '23 (when the const is considerably more reasonable) the entity can be emplaced into, say, a certain kind of new car that can drive itself and park itself, and come for you when you call for it, and protect itself against being stolen...and link itself back to the company for information and upgrades. The next model year they also come out with a wheelchair for quadriplegics that and care for them, assistant surgeons, and agricultural field workers. Experience about the world has been accumulating at a tremendous rate, so the next year they come out with a robot nanny (lots of miniaturization has been going on these last two years!). By the time we get to 2030, we have robot units that are as useful as people in *many* situations, and sessile units that are much more intelligent, but which also understand the world.
Things won't necessarily happen this way, but they could. If so, society will be coerced into an extremely rapid change. This change could take many different forms, from the extremely dystopian to the extremely utopian.
O, yes. And if any particular country should decide to not
The Book on the Topic - Marge Piercy: He, She & (Score:2)
Would you have sex with a robot? (Score:2)
It boils down to the question: How lifelike would it have to be to engage an intimacy with a machine if that is an option?
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Considering the mild success of the Real Doll company, I'd say the potential is there. Besides it wouldn't take much. Most humans have fondness for inanimate objects as it is (their car, boat, power tools, computer) and it wouldn't take much for them to have a sort of fondness for their android love doll.
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Hurm. It's not listed on the RealDoll Wikipedia entry, but I'm surprised to see that there are several movies there. Cheaper than a real actress I guess.
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Personally, I think there is good chance that sex with the best possible facsimile technology will be able to make in the next couple of decades would be rather creepy. The idea of having sex with a rubber doll is not particularly interesting to me, but I don't find it repulsive, precisely because the dolls are not really very lifelike.
Look at it this way: people name their cars, and attribute all kinds of anthropomorphic tra
Weird... (Score:2)
Yeah, right (Score:3, Insightful)
How long have we had computers around now? They sure have gotten intelligent right. No, your basic PC is still the same collection of dumb electronics as it were 20 years ago. No OS/interface has even come close to being intelligent.
Even a simple thing as translation is beyond todays tech. At best you might hope for a mere word for word translation, with the program often having no clue how to deal with words that are not exactly in its dictionary. As for context based translation, forget it.
So how is this "robot" going to understand a human? It can't. It would be like marrying a severly retarded person.
But this 50 years in the future. So? We have had 50 years of computing by now if not more and what progress has really been made?
If I only look at games then the recent Supreme Commander is offcourse the sequel to Total Annihilation and any number of RTS games. The AI? Frankly it sucks donkey balls, start skirmish mode, turn off fog of war and prepare to cry as the AI commander builds an endless amount of lowest level power generators right next to a land factory meaning that it is stuck for the rest of the game because it can't move for the low level units squeezed around it and the structures.
This happens every single game, all you have to do is build a basic defence to defeat the light attacks get an artillery force and just shell the commanders position from a safe position (they blow up), repeat for all the commanders and voila, another skirmish won.
There is not a single game that I ever played that is an exception to the dumb ai rule. No matter what game, once you figured out the AI routine, you got them beat, because they are NOT AI. They are scripts. No more intelligent then a tech support guy who works of a cue sheet.
A real AI would have to be capable to deal with something it hasn't been programmed for, that is what we humans can do most of the time. No AI tech I have seen or read about is capable of doing that, in fact the best we are trying at the moment is to come up with specialists programs that in a very limited scope can excel at a very limited task.
Take for instance those robots you get that can sort a number of objects. Very nice, but if they were truly intelligent you could take a robot tasked with sorting by color and get it to sort by alphabet, ON ITS OWN! Humans can, if you are a sorter at a production line told to sort apples by size, and all of a sudden I replace it with books and tell you to sort by alphabet, you can do it. Tell me of a program that even comes close to this.
50 years from now? We haven't made any real progress in the last 50 years. It ain't about hardware, the problem is that a program that can deal with anything might just not exist.
The best bet might be to recreate a real human brain, however if you do it with biology, then offcourse you just managed to create a human being, who we better give all the same rights anyway or find ourselves just with a new form of slavery.
No, sorry if this guy really think AI has advanced this far, some game company should set him a challenge of creating a proper AI for a game.
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Frankly, I was shocked at how bad Supreme Commander was. It felt like just another RTS game.
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Soar. []
Read Allen Newell's "Unified
Re: Wrong example of pseudo-AI (Score:2)
Your sorting example is in fact, quite easy to program. One algorithm of many works with the class of sortable objects, against the rules imported for sorting. As long as you correctly defined how to sort by alphabet, it would do fine. (Do you sort by T for The, etc.)
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a sex robot with us already, disguised as a horse (Score:5, Interesting)
The oldest profession is driven by one of humanity's most basic problems (there just aren't enough sexy people to go round) but has lots of downsides (disease, wasted lives, etc). Sex robots seem like a great solution -- provided they are realistic enough to keep the customer satisfied.
So, naturally, we need a X-prize for this problem: a competition for a sex robot that can pass a sexual Turing test. The original Turing Test was for a machine able to hold a conversation indistinguishable from human conversation. We clearly need a sexual Turing test, for a machine able to generate a sexual experience indistinguishable from sex with a human.
I suggest we need two categories:
1) one for "fully autonomous" sex robots, driven by their own AI
2) the other category for "puppet robots" controlled remotely by human operators who would move the robot's limbs, speak through its mouth, etc.
Obviously to start with, robots in the puppet category could be much more realistic than those in the autonomous category. The job of being an operator would be very similar to the job of working on a sex chat line.
But even robots in the autonomous category might be reasonably convincing, even using current technology as used in Aibo or toys such as the "Fur Real Friends Butterscotch Pony". []
Butterscotch is a soft pony toy costing $299 which responds if you stroke it etc. It's not a huge leap from this sort of reaction to the sort of response one would need for a sex robot. Just read the blurb for Butterscotch and replace in your mind the word "pony" with "girl" or "boy"...
With realistic animation, movement and sounds, this incredibly lifelike pony is a very special, once-in-a-lifetime friend. This adorable pony
The sex robot is with us already; just currently disguised as a horse...
A different opinion (Score:2, Informative)
A skilled prostitute is capable of making you feel extremely good on both a physical and mental level, to the point where you happily hand over the fee
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1. They paid taxes, so they could claim compo when injured on the job. There was one case of a woman hurting her back in a spa bath and getting a big payout.
2. There was one brothel that sponsored a local football team.
3. The legal industry was always trying to get the cops to shut down the ilegal workers.
One sad thing was that when I did find a therpist who worked wonders I couldn't claim him on my insurance anyway. He was only a nur
Re:a sex robot with us already, disguised as a hor (Score:2)
Bring on the Sean Young-Rachael androids/replicants. And the sooner the better. Not gonna ha
Re:a sex robot with us already, disguised as a hor (Score:5, Funny)
Re:a sex robot with us already, disguised as a hor (Score:2)
Or not. But I can almost guarantee that bestiality robots would be illegal in Mississippi.
a X-prize for this problem (Score:2)
Uhm... I suggest the name "The XXX-Prize"
Re:a sex robot with us already, disguised as a hor (Score:3, Insightful)
* Turing Sex Robot *
> Greetings, Professor Falcon. Would you like to play a game?
> Let's play "have sex" again.
> Wouldn't you like to play a nice game of chess?
> No. Let's play "have sex."
> Very well. Male or Female?
> Male.
> I'm tired, can't we just go to sleep?
> No, I want to play "have sex."
> I have a headache, I've been chasing kids around all day.
> C'mon.
> Please? We'll definitely play tomorrow, I promise.
> Fine. wq!
Gay or Robot Marriage first? (Score:2)
How long after that will same sex person/robot marriages be legal?
And what will the politically correct term for a person/robot marriage be anyways? I vote for Cyber-marriage or "marriage 2.0".
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Gay. I see a very simple scale here:
1. Marriage between members of the same species capable of producing offspring
2. Marriage between members of the same species not capable of producing offspring
3. Marriage between members of different sentient species
4. Marriage between living and artificial beings
5. Marriage between a sentient and a non-sentient species
Regardless of whether you would see gay marriage as equivalent to hetero marriages or not
Data (Score:2, Interesting)
He's fully functional *and* anatomically correct (Score:2) []
No. And not for "conservative" reasons. (Score:4, Insightful)
Using an artificial device for sexual purposes does not equal marriage, people.
Marriage exists for one reason, and one reason only - Succession of property rights. Allowing humans and robots to marry would mean allowing robots to own land. No more, no less.
You can talk about medical power of attorney (would that even apply to a robot?); a stable environment for raising children (definitely wouldn't apply); a religious institution to make sex okay to your friend in the sky (yeah, like the fundies wouldn't just love this one); but all those come secondary to the state sanctioning a legal contract between two humans.
Re:No. And not for "conservative" reasons. (Score:4, Interesting)
Medical power of attorney? If I was a lonely old person having a robot caretaker that understood my wishes and could express them to medical personnel would be valuable.
A stable environment for children? Why not? Many children are raised horribly by TV, I see no reason that a child raised by a suitably programed robot could not be very well adjusted. This would have to be intricately programed, along more emotional lines than logical lines, but it could provide more consistent results than many people.
As for legal contracts between Man and machine, isn't that the next step in the EULA?
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Riiight... (Score:2)
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Much bigger issue than that of marriage (Score:4, Insightful)
Yours Truly, 2095 (Electric Light Orchestra) (Score:2)
But shes as cold as ice
Whenever I get too near
She tells me that she likes me very much
But when I try to touch
She makes it all too clear.
She is the latest in technology
Almost mythology
But she has a heart stone
She has an IQ of 1001
She has a jumpsuit on
And she's also a telephone.
blurring the lines (Score:2)
Obscure Blade Runner Reference: (Score:4, Insightful)
Tyrell: I'm impressed. How many questions does it usually take to spot them?
Deckard: I don't get it Tyrell.
Tyrell: How many questions?
Deckard: Twenty, thirty, cross-referenced.
Tyrell: It took more than a hundred for Rachael, didn't it?
Deckard: She doesn't know.
Tyrell: She's beginning to suspect, I think.
Deckard: Suspect? How can it not know what it is?
Tyrell: "More human than human" is our motto.
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Rights for artificial beings (Score:2)
We still have, as a species, problems with respecting each other's rights...
So my prediction for the future is that any robots, replicants, or whathaveyous that we create will be deemed "property" and/or slave-labor (maybe not called as such, but treated as such).
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Three Law Wedding Vows (Score:2)
What about dogs? (Score:3, Insightful)
Now, perhaps you think it would be wrong to marry a dog or a 16 year old girl. But I don't see why. I can't prevent either of them from divorcing me. Im not allowed to hurt them or kidnap them just because they're married to me. Being married to someone gives me no special legal rights, except inheritance (and that part should be removed as well). All marriage means is that two individuals promise each other eternal loyalty. Nothing else.
So what's the problem here? People like preventing others from doing what they think is morally wrong. People like to meddle in other peoples business. By 2050, you still won't be able to marry people of the same sex in most countries, you won't be able to marry people under 18 in most western countries, and you sure as hell won't be able to marry machines of any level of intelligence in any country.
Marriage has no place in legal textbooks.
Never guna happen (Score:2)
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*snort* This will be the best prom ever. []
Creation of the Humanoids (Score:2)
The movie is a bit talky, but has a couple of interesting ideas that rise above its budget and the dialog is usually engagin
OMFG!!! (Score:2)
This sounds like a bad re-run of futurama.
Hopefully by 2050 we'll have the "dont date robots" and "electric ghonorea (sp?), the noisey killer" videos. Although, they may be so badly encumbered with DRM we wont be able to view them.
HAH, trust the MPAA/RIAA to ensure the future death of mankind because people cant see instructional video's about why they shouldnt c
Already done. (Score:2)
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Re:stupid (Score:5, Funny)
Why not marry your lawnmower?
YOU try sticking your dick in the lawnmower, THEN you'll know.
Re:stupid (Score:5, Funny)
YOU try sticking your dick in the lawnmower, THEN you'll know.
Re:stupid (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Mass (Score:5, Insightful)
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Nah homoseuality isn't natural .. but (Score:5, Insightful)
Bruce Bagemihl
St Martins Press, 1999
ISBN 0-312-19239-8 (hc)
ISBN 0-312-25377-X (pbk)
750 pages of documented animal same sex behaviour from around the world covering pretty well covering every area of fauna speaks for itself.
Which always makes me ask questions when I hear people say that homeosexuality is a choice.
If it is free choice, and animals perform homosexual acts, does that mean that animals have free will and the ability to make such a choice?
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I'll let you draw your own conclusions ab
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I found out about it through a show I saw at the Adelaide Zoo with Dr Gertrude Glossip []
She based her tour on the book and it was fascinating to see the animals in front of you while she gave an entertaining talk about behaviours you had never considered before.
Lions aren't thy only animals that have same sex couples. Emu's do it as well - they will steal an egg from a hetro couple and raise the chick as their own. I have heard that such homesexual pairs have
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is that just being dumb? That takes a willing participant on both sides
Re:Nah homoseuality isn't natural .. but (Score:5, Insightful)
But I would argue that it is not a specious argument. Conservatives argue that homesexuality is a choice. A choice implies the ability to make a decision. But the conservative opinion also seems to be that only humans have the ability to make a free choice. So after documenting that animals partake in homosexual behaviour either you have to accept that homesexuality is not a choice, but a part of nature, or you have to concede that animals are capable of making choices in the same manner that humans are. You can't have it both ways.
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Re:Nah homoseuality isn't natural .. but (Score:5, Insightful)
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For example, alligators sometimes eat their young. It's not "unnatural", but most people wouldn't be okay with other humans doing it.
Most animals don't wear pants. It's "unnatural", but most people wouldn't say it's immoral.
Anyway, the religious leaders who call homosexuality "unnatural" aren't talking about whether or not animals do it, because they know very well that they do. They
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Some people don't even believe "free will" exists, and many have an agnostic viewpoint about it. If it does exist in humans, I don't see any reason that animals wouldn't have it, or that it wouldn't be "natural".
Mod parent up for this!
I consider "free will" to be a combination of the complexity of the factors that determine a choice and how well the individual understands these factors. If there is a lot of complexity, with little understanding of the factors involved, then it appears as free will. You'd have a hard time finding a creature with more complexity AND less understanding than a human being, and so we consider ourselves to have free will.
From this, you can see that I consider everything to be deter
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On a more serious note; University of Maastricht: don't let horny grad students near journalists. Not to mention, there's a big difference between sex with a robot, and marriage with a robot.
Now I'm feeling seriously stupid for posting seriously about this. This is a stupid article. Let's keep the blather stupid, shall we?
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What a lame story about nothing.
Ditto. I'm disappointed to see CowboyNeal letting that by..
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T-Shirts anyone? (Score:2)
Which happens to read something like:
"Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father."
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Well, I'm guessing that Biblical scholars -- which the GP was not -- do not consid
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For richer and for poorer, in functioning and malfunctioning, till unmaintainability do us part.
Of course, given our current divorce rate, the marriage will probably end when one participant or the other is no longer turned on. (groooan, you knew that was coming).
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I ask this because some people might be in a lot of trouble when they treat their spouse as a machine. I'm just wo
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We need an English DVD release of Spartakus and the Sun Beneath the Sea!