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New MacBook Dual Core 2 Benchmarks 229

ApolloX writes "New Macbook Pro Benchmarks are now available. From the article: 'Like the iMac before it, Apple's MacBook Pro underwent an upgrade highlighted by a chip swap — the Core Duo processor that used to power Apple's pro laptop is gone, replaced by the next-generation Core 2 Duo. And as with our iMac benchmarks, these updated Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro models show a modest performance gain when compared to older systems running on Core Duo chips with the same clock speeds.' As expected, the new 15-inch Intel Dual Core 2 (2.33Ghz/2GB RAM) is the new king of Apple portables, with results for the 17-inch model still pending."
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New MacBook Dual Core 2 Benchmarks

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  • by voidptr ( 609 ) on Saturday November 04, 2006 @12:30PM (#16717019) Homepage Journal
    What's with the headline? It's "MacBook Pro", not MacBook. They're separate products. And it's "Core 2 Duo". Would it have been that hard to identify the correct product being reviewed?
    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by quigonn ( 80360 )
      Would it have been that hard to identify the correct product being reviewed?

      You must be new here. :-)
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by gumbi west ( 610122 )
      This is sort of a problem for Apple. the iBook / Powerbook had good name separation, "MacBook" and "MacBook Pro" were bad choices b/c everybody adds "pro" to everything these days to mean absolutely nothing. So you'd think you could drop it.

      As far as the no proofing, it's supposed to be part of the charm of the site. I think it's like how people like soaps to look cheap and for the sets to fall over sometimes.

      • Separating the names of the two products hasn't been a problem for users. Apparently, only Slashdot editors are the ones who get confused.
      • by rthille ( 8526 )
        I like the 'Apple ProBook' and 'Apple MacBook' myself, but 'ProBook' doesn't have enough Apple/Mac identifiability by itself.

    • ``Would it have been that hard to identify the correct product being reviewed?''

      Well, Apple's and Intel's naming makes it particularly easy to make these mistakes. Not saying that the submitter/editors shouldn't have gotten it right, of course.
    • and it's not Dual Core 2, its Core 2 Duo... that makes it sound like it's two Core 2 Duo chips.
  • Temperature (Score:4, Interesting)

    by tpengster ( 566422 ) <slash@tpengste r . com> on Saturday November 04, 2006 @12:39PM (#16717093)
    I'm more interested in how hot these things run.. my old Core Duo MBP runs so hot I can't even use it on my lap, and the fan emits a really annoying loud, high-pitched whine. This computer is actually physically painful to use.
    • by Sancho ( 17056 )
      I've been reading that the new MBPs with C2D run up to 20 degrees F cooler. I can't speak for whether it's the processor or a change to the default fan speed that causes this.
    • I'm more interested in how hot these things run.. my old Core Duo MBP runs so hot I can't even use it on my lap, and the fan emits a really annoying loud, high-pitched whine. This computer is actually physically painful to use.

      Take it back to the shop and have the motherboard replaced. Since I had this done to my MBP it runs noticably cooler.
      • amen to that -- the high-pitched whine wasn't a fan, it was a faulty power converter. they replaced ours no-questions asked.
    • Who DOESN'T like a weenie roast?
    • Re:Temperature (Score:5, Informative)

      by tji ( 74570 ) on Saturday November 04, 2006 @01:14PM (#16717429)
      I didn't have a first-gen MBP, but I just bought the new Core 2 Duo version, the base system with 2.16GHz CPUs.

      I have no heat issues with this machine. The bottom of it is warm to the touch, but certainly not hot to the point of being uncomfortable. I find that it runs cooler than my PowerBook G4 1.67GHz.

    • I was worried about that, too. I just upgraded from a 1GHz PowerBook G4 to a 2.33 GHz MacBook Pro. The MBP doesn't seem to tun hotter than my G4 when used for general email/web surfing, at least. I haven't used it much for media creation and editing yet.
    • by Mr_Matt ( 225037 )
      You might be one of the lucky ones whose MBPs had too much thermal grease applied to the processor heat sink. Apple put the fan temperature sensors on the heat pipes leading from the processor - the excess in thermal grease actually insulates the heat pipes, keeping the fans off and the processor way too hot.

      There's a couple of sites that demonstrate how to disassemble your MBP to get to the processor - reapply an appropriate amount of thermal paste, your heat pipes start working properly (and your fan sta
    • Initial reports from people who've bought them say they run pretty cool. They extended the vent at the back to the length of the chassis and apparently the fans run longer and harder. It's not the coldest laptop in the world, but you can't cook food with it like you could the last version.
    • I just got my 2.33 GHz MacBook Pro, no problems whatsoever. The fans are quiet, but very efficient, I guess. I've watched a few movies while crunching some numbers in the background, giving the processor a run for its money, and the bottom has never reached the point where I had to move the computer off of my lap.
    • by Matey-O ( 518004 )
      get smcFanControl. It made my mbp cucumber coooooool.
    • by pavera ( 320634 )
      As others have said, no heat issues here...
      2.33ghz 1 week old, runs significantly cooler than my dell 1.67 pentium M that this laptop replaced. I never had a Core 1, but this laptop runs cooler than my old dell, cooler than my wifes ibook g4, cooler than my brother's powerbook g4... it is the coolest running laptop I've used in 3-4 years.

      As other's have stated as well, the bottom gets warm to the touch, but not hot, never uncomfortable on the lap or legs.
      Also, no noticeable fan noise at all. It runs virtu
    • by yabos ( 719499 )
      Well mine which I'm typing on right now runs at ~50C or ~120F and I'm not doing anything but web surfing. It's also sitting on my glass top desk with adequate ventilation space underneath. That seems to make a big difference. I was using it on my bed and it got much hotter.
    • by eh2o ( 471262 )
      Its both quieter and cooler than any other computer I've ever seen (not including that insane Zalman thing). No whine. Fans kick in if I launch a big compile but even then still less noisy than my 2x2G G5 powermac. Not to mention faster. :)

      15" C2D 2.33G, 3G RAM, 160G HD.

    • by @madeus ( 24818 )
      I think it was back in July Apple acknowledged this. As others have said it is, I am led to believe, usually not the fan (although it sounds like it is) but related to the motherboard, with possibly more than one specific cause - it was reported here, in case you missed it []. Manufacturing problems might account for the overheating [] too, they seem to have had more than one issue with the first batch (I remember having a few problems with my first PowerBook G4).

      What doesn't seem to have been mentioned yet is th
    • I am comfortably using my first mac (switcher here :) on my lap. It is a 2.33 GHz C2D, 3GB, 160GB hdd, etc MBP. I saved a ton of dough by using the student ADC membership.

      I wanted to see just how hot it might get, so I ran 3dmark 2006 in windows. It didn't get so hot that I would complain. I ran the benchmark on the laptop monitor and the Intel thermal analysis tool was visible on a second monitor. The CPU temp peaked at about 60C during the benchmark. I figure that is about the most my system would g
    • by Soong ( 7225 )
      I have a new MBP 2.33 GHz 15". So far it runs at its hottest running WoW, but even then I can comfortably have it on my lap.

      This is only true if it has been on my lap the whole time. A desk doesn't cool as well. Lots of heat gets trapped on the bottom and it will then get uncomfortably hot. It cools down pretty quickly though. The fans spin down in about a minute after the big load stops.
    • Take the unit in for repairs on the whine. Some people's problems are issues with an inverter.

      For the heat, use smcFanControl and step it up to 1500, if that's not cool enough, 2000 RPM. With that, mine is a lot nicer, barely warm to the touch. Mine is now cool and still very quiet, the fans are barely audible to me.
  • Faster chip brings faster performance!
  • by laffer1 ( 701823 ) <luke&foolishgames,com> on Saturday November 04, 2006 @12:53PM (#16717243) Homepage Journal
    I was excited to see the headline. I look at the site and its just comparing several models to a baseline previous MacBook Pro. What is the point in that? I want to see real benchmarks like perhaps windows running on it vs a comparable "PC" laptop from say dell, toshiba or some other vendor. I'd also like to see a benchmark compared to desktop models like iMacs, Mac Pros, etc. To put it in perspective, maybe some benchmarks from G4/G5 models as well.

    I want to know how apple compares to other vendors now that apples to apples comparisons are more fair. You could argue driver support if the mac loses, but its not like dell ships great drivers for their modified chipsets either. I have an iBook now and it would be nice to know how PC operating systems run on this thing. I now have a good reason to want to run BSD on one of these :)
    • I want to see real benchmarks like perhaps windows running on it vs a comparable "PC" laptop from say dell, toshiba or some other vendor.

      The MacBook Pro is a Mac, not a PC. Why would anyone compare it to a Dell or Toshiba that runs Winblows? I buy a Mac to run MacOS X and couldn't care less about hacking it to work with Windows so I can run PC viruses and spyware.
      • I buy a computer to run programs. The operating system, Windows, Linux, BSD, or whatever, doesn't make a great deal of difference to me. My programs run, and that's all that matters. I've never gotten a virus on a Windows machine -- helps not to be a moron if you want to avoid that -- in fact, since XP, I've considered it a very decent OS. Windows installs don't break nearly as often as Ubuntu installs for me. (They haven't quite got the hang of testing their automatic updates yet.) But all in all, I find m
    • by Onan ( 25162 )

      I want to see real benchmarks like perhaps windows...

      While it's fascinating that you consider the only "real" benchmarks to be ones involving Windows, that's a fairly outre view.

      Certainly it's unjustified of you to assume that there's no "point" to non-Windows benchmarks; a whole damn lot of people out there don't use Windows, and have no interest in ever doing so. Given that there's a large overlap between those people and potential macbook buyers, I'd say that Windows benchmarks would be the ones

      • by laffer1 ( 701823 )
        No, many people need to use windows professionally regardless of what there personal environment is. I dual boot Windows XP and MidnightBSD on my desktop. I use windows for gaming. Having a Mac that could run all three would be great on the road. I could develop and use MidnightBSD, boot into OS X if I want to watch iTunes content or do website design and run games and do .NET development in windows.

        I'm actually more curious how Linux and BSD run but I don't think a mainstream site would publish such de
  • by SeaFox ( 739806 ) on Saturday November 04, 2006 @01:28PM (#16717551)
    From the article: 'Like the iMac before it, Apple's MacBook Pro underwent an upgrade highlighted by a chip swap -- the Core Duo processor that used to power Apple's pro laptop is gone, replaced by the next-generation Core 2 Duo.

    It also gained dual-layer Superdrives and Firewire 800 back, and comes with more RAM standard and higher maximum RAM than the previous model, which is more than you can say for the iMac upgrade.
  • Anybody know what sort of battery life to expect out of these machines? I love how my iBook gets over 5 hours of use from one battery charge, but I think the MacBook and MacBook Pro don't do that well. However, the Core 2 is supposed to be more efficient than the Core. So, perhaps the battery life on these new machines can impress me?
    • ``Anybody know what sort of battery life to expect out of these machines?'' ...and the answer, according to the MacBook Pro specs from Apple [], is up to 5 hours for the 15" model, and 5.5 hours for the 17" model.
      • Never, ever trust published battery ratings.

        My MacBook (not a MacBook Pro) gets a little under 4 hours or so on each charge, depending upon how hard I push it. On the other hand, I *never* got 5 hours out of my old iBook. The iBook would stay charged in sleep mode for a week, the MacBook, for two or three days. I'd say slightly less battery time than the iBook (G3), but better than the average laptop.

        • When my old iBook was new, I could get 5.5 hours out of it. It was a G4 1Ghz. Of course I had to take everything down to its minimum, no airport, slow CPU, dim the screen and so forth. But its hardly practical anyway is it? Now I have a G4 12"PB with a space battery and don't limit myself like that. Now I have 7 hours of battery life.
    • by yabos ( 719499 )
      I get about 3-4 hrs, definately not the 5 hrs Apple says.
  • I picked up a 2.33 GHz MBP (US$2500) a couple of days ago and it meets my expectations. No problems with noise or heat issues, and the build quality and design is much better than the offerings back in 2002 when I bought an iBook 700 MHz G3 and a PB 800 MHz G4. The magnetic power connector by itself is a big improvement.

    The included printed documentation is rather lacking for a notebook in this price range. Additionally, there in no recordable CD or DVD included. And as noted before, there is no modem e
    • there in no recordable CD or DVD included.

      If you mean no media how many manufacturers include media? As for whether the drives are recordable according the MBP page [] it has a 6x double-layer-burning SuperDrive so it does record. If it doesn't record then Apple is guilty of false advertizing.

  • Stupid Headline (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Nom du Keyboard ( 633989 ) on Saturday November 04, 2006 @02:20PM (#16717943)
    New MacBook Dual Core 2 Benchmarks

    This headline does more than suggest, it actually states, that the system under benchmark has two Core 2 processors. That would be a total of four processing cores spread over two chips, and quite a burden on the poor system's batteries.

    WRONG! What it has is a Core 2 Duo dual-processor chip.

    It's bad enough the the submitter can't properly write the headline. That the Slashdot editor let it through in this form deserves having him (or her) sent back to Remedial English, and not allowed near a keyboard until they pass it.

    • by askegg ( 599634 )
      Gee - Who would have thought Intel's naming scheme that uses both words "duo" and "2" would cause confusion (what a bone-headed marketing decision that was).
  • Someone asked about temperature. At its hottest I can still have it on my lap (wearing pants, dunno if it's cool enough to Quake nekkid or anytihng). Most of the time it runs cool. It's fast and snappy. It rules.

    Most annoying part is that I had to recompile all the open source things I'd built for my previous ppc machine. Apparently the emulator doesn't work for command line things.
  • They allow you to install a 1gb and a 2gb stick, but why can't you install 2x 2gb for 4gb???
    • It is a northbridge chipset limitation. 3Gb is the maximum you can use, even if you plug in 4 Gb.
    • Re:4gb of ram? (Score:4, Informative)

      by MBCook ( 132727 ) <> on Saturday November 04, 2006 @06:57PM (#16720203) Homepage

      The chipset is only capable of addressing 32 bits or 4 gigs of memory. Many "64 bit" desktops are the same way. The problem is that while the chipset can see the full 4 gigs of ram, a portion of it (~768mb) is hidden by other address space (video card shadowing, PCI memory addresses, etc). The machine can hold 4 gigs of ram, you just won't be able to see it all. I have a friend with a Dell desktop with the same "problem".

      Frankly I like Apple approach as opposed to what many others do ("Supprots 4+ GIGs* (* unable to see top 1/2 gig)").

      The problem should go away when they stop using the current chipset (which was designed for the 32 bit Core) and move to the next chipset that was designed specifically for the Core 2 chips.

  • by melted ( 227442 ) on Saturday November 04, 2006 @04:35PM (#16719029) Homepage
    2.33GHz, 2GB RAM, 160GB HDD. It's scary fast, even in Aperture. After reading horror stories on the web I thought it'd run ridiculously hot. Not so, my friends. The bottom does get hot when you do something hardcore (LiveType realtime rendering or a hardcore Aperture session), but not as hot as to be unbearable. Overall, I'm very pleased with my purchase, and this is hands down the best laptop I've ever used.

    My son is very pleased, too - he can't get enough of Photo Booth. :0)
  • I upgraded from the ORIGINAL G4 Titanium from 5 years ago. So ya, it's pretty nice. But to be perfectly honest, the "benchmarks" comparing my 5yr old powerbook to this new macbook pro would place the new one as being ~500-1000% faster. So... what I'm trying to say is that I don't really notice anything being that much faster :) It's nice to have the latest and greatest, but I probably wouldn't have upgraded if my old one hadn't pretty much died.

I cannot conceive that anybody will require multiplications at the rate of 40,000 or even 4,000 per hour ... -- F. H. Wales (1936)
