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6.8GHz 1TB RAM and 2TB HDD Laptop? 687

Stuk writes "Research & development company AtomChip have announced a new 6.8GHz 1TB RAM and 2TB HDD laptop, which is "coming soon". Apparently it does not use a hard disc, instead it is based on "solid state AtomChip® optoelectronics". A new "non-volatile Quantum-Optical" type of RAM is used. Other features include voice commands, "Num Lock mode, Caps Lock mode, Scroll Lock mode". They're spoiling us." If Nintendogs has taught me anything, it's that voice recognition is awesome and should be used for everything. *cough*. And also to be skeptical of this many buzzwords.
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6.8GHz 1TB RAM and 2TB HDD Laptop?

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